A Twist On Macbeth(Felicity and Parker)

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that in my creative writing class we had to write a short story somehow based on the play Macbeth. This is my short story and I hope you enjoy it. Before you start I would like to say that I changed some of the roles. In my story, Macbeth is Felicity, Lady Macbeth is Vincent, Banquo is Mariah and Malcolm is Parker. Again, I hope you enjoy this.

Walking through the front door of work that morning, and like every day, I thought to myself, today is going to be a good day. It was something that I've been doing since I was kid. I remember the first morning that I started it. My mother came into my room and sat on the edge of my bed, smoothing back the hair that had fell in my face. She had smiled and it reached her eyes and I thought to myself, today's a good day.

"Good morning Felicity,"

Nodding my head in my co-worker's direction, I continued walking toward my cubicle when a mocha hand stretched out in my direction with a white Styrofoam cup.

"You are a saint, Mariah," I said.

"Of course I am it's in the job description of being your best friend." She replied with a smile. Setting my bags under my small table I took a drink of the magical coffee.

"Well, looks like Mariah beat me to it,"

Turning around, a smile automatically appeared as I took in the easy grin he wore surrounded by the day old stubble that he knew I loved.

"Of course I did Vincent," Mariah answered. Her caramel eyes glittered as she looked at Vincent before settling in her workspace.

Pressing my lips together I took the coffee from his hand, recapturing his attention again. His green eyes glimmered like jewels that a flashlight shined against in the dark. It was something that had a hold on me back when I first started working at Duncan's Company a couple of years ago.

"Are we still on tonight?" I asked, taking a sip of the coffee he had brought. Biting the inside of my lip I nearly gagged on the sip I took. It was utterly disgusting and not how I would have preferred it.

"Can't, I have to stay late and help with the project that Landon's got going on."

"That's Mr. Duncan to you,"

Glancing behind me I could see Parker, Mr. Duncan's son, walking into the break room that was on our floor. I felt the corner of my lips twitch wanting to smile, but I stopped when I saw the annoyed look on Vincent's face.

His face pulled into a scowl as he shook his head. "Little brat."

"Vincent," I said in a low voice. "Be nice." Setting the coffee down, on the end of the desk near my trashcan, I reached out and straightened his crooked red tie that.

"Whatever," he muttered, pulling away before I could finish. "We can reschedule our date, right?"

Smiling, I tightly nodded my head as he flashed me a smile. His cold hand touched my neck pulling me in for a kiss. Goosebumps appeared along my arms, and it wasn't until I was sitting at my desk that I felt my heart slump. This wasn't the first time he had cancelled on our plans; it was just another check on the ever growing list I had mentally written when he started doing this.

Sighing, I leaned back in my chair, turning to my file cabinet when I saw the coffee still sitting on the edge of my desk. Not even waiting a moment to think about it, I set it in the trashcan, careful not to make a noise. Straightening up I flexed my fingers when I saw a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. Parker was leaning against the wall of the break room, running his fingers through his golden red hair that covered his ears with a part on the side. He raised an eyebrow and smirked before pushing off the wall and walking back to his area.

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