Chapter 1: A New Story

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Lily's POV
RING!!!RING!!! Ugh, I reach over to turn off my alarm clock. Monday's are the worst days ever. I slowly pull myself out of bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast I suddenly remember I was supposed to do a page of math over the weekend because it was due today. Oh well. I went to go get the bus after getting ready. At school my best friend Clare and I met at the first bell. "Hi," I said, "hey" she said back, our usual greeting as we walked into first period.

Yes! It was lunch and I had the best sandwich today BLT with chips. Clare and I sat in the back of the lunchroom and ate in our own little bubble, ignoring everyone else in the room. Then the popular girls walked up " ugh, guess we can't sit here they forgot to clean up the trash," one of the girls said. I hate the popular girls so much they are so mean but everyone acts like their angels, I wish they would just fall over or something. They make me so mad I just wish that other people would see how awful they were. As they walk away the one who was so mean to us suddenly slips and falls on her butt, everyone starts laughing at her. Odd maybe it was just coincidence. Either way the rest of lunch went normally.

I was walking to math when I feel someone grab my arm, I turned to tell them to let go but then a hand came over my mouth and the carried me out the exit to the back of the school. I am seriously freaking out now. I start kicking and trying to scream so that someone hears me, and then the person lets go of me and I can stand. I turn to run inside then relies for the first time that theirs more than one person and they have surrounded me, I'm stuck. Ok I tell myself just think, analyze the situation. There's four people around me two girls and two boys they all look around 18 years old and they are all wearing similar black clothes. The one who carried me out is tall with blond hair and bright green eyes. The other boy has black hair and is a little shorter than the first boy. One of the girls has the same black hair as the boy and I come to her chin. The last girl looks a little older than the rest has blond hair, brown eyes and is a bit taller than me. Then I see that they all have swords and start to really panic.

"W...what are doing," I stammer "let me go, " I say a bit more confident but still a little shaky.
"Sorry, but we can't let you go" says the the same guy who first grabbed me.

So how do you guys like it
Can you guess who the four people are?
- I'll give you a hint three are kids of people from TMI and the last is from TDA

Anyway hope you like it make sure to comment

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