Chapter 2: Leaving to a New Beggining

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Lily's POV
"Sorry, but we can't let you go" says the the same guy who first grabbed me. "But I promise we're not here to hurt you we just want to talk to you." He sounds like he's telling the truth but still he did just practically kidnap me from my school.
"Have you ever heard about demons?" He asks me, I just kinda look at him funny so he continues. "Well demons are real, and so there's a race of half human half angel people called Shadowhunters who were created to kill demons and stop them from taking over our world," he says. "You people are crazy!" I half shout at him. "No were not," he says calmly, "and I can prove it to you. Haven't you ever seen strange things happen for no reason, or people getting hurt or dying but no one can figure out why, that's because demons were involved." He sounds crazy but the more I think about it the less crazy it seems. I'm actually starting to believe him. He continues "have you felt like something was watching you, or felt an evil presence for no reason, that's because there was a demon near you." I think I believe him but I still have one question, "why are you telling me this?" At this he pauses, then the girl with blond hair speaks up "we're telling you this because you are also a shadowhunter." "WHAT!!!" I screams, "there's absolutely no way I'm a perfectly normal human, nothing has ever happened to me!" I tell them. "No your not normal, just think about your life and all the weird stuff that's happened to you that you couldn't explain." I didn't want to admit that weird things had happened to me, like one time when I was little I swear I saw a wolf in the woods but when I looked back there was just a man, or that time when I was 8 and we were at the beach and I could've sworn I saw a mermaid swimming. But I would never tell them that so I just said "nothing that strange has happened to me." They all looked at me for a moment, then the girl with dark hair said "if you won't believe us than we'll have to prove it to you. See this?" She said as she held up a silvery clear thing about as long as my forearm that was bigger at one end and then gradually got smaller. "This is called a stele, and only a shadowhunter can use it, if you can draw a rune on me than you have to be a shadowhunter." She stated, "umm, what's a rune?" I ask, "oh right, a rune is something we draw on ourselves with the stele and different runes can give you different powers, you can try to copy the angelic rune it looks like this," she showed me her rune, and so I tried to copy it with the stele she'd given me. When the stele touched my hand it felt as if it was part of me and when I started to draw the rune it just seemed to flow from my hand without any effort. It worked I had drawn a rune! But that means I am a shadowhunter...
"See you are a shadowhunter, now do you believe us," the blond girl says. "I guess I believe you" I tell them. "Ok good because we have to take you to the institute in New York so you can meet your parents." She says. "But my parents are here at home" I say a little stressed sounding. "No those are your adopted parents, they promised to take care of you as if you were there own but they are just humans with the sight, your real parents are Jace and Clary Herondale and you have and older brother" -"I have a brother" I say surprised, I didn't really know what to think I had always wanted a sibling. "Yeah you do" says the first guy who brought me out here, "I'm your older brother, my names Will." Then he sticks out his hand, so I take it and shake hands with him. It was all honestly really awkward. "If your Will than who are the rest of you?" I ask, the girl with dark hair says "my name is Charlo-"not to interrupt but I think there's a demon who wants to eat you," says the blond girl. Will looks over my shoulder than shouts "RUN TO THE PORTAL." I have no idea what the portal is, but I start running with the rest of them. As we turn the corner a purple door shaped thing appears out of nowhere. Then three of them jump through it and disappear. I don't want to go through, I freeze and don't move. "Come on!" Will says, I still can't move my feet. Then he grabs my hand and pulls me through with him. Just as the demon rounds the corner I'm pulled into the portal. I guess I don't have to worry about the math homework.
So how do you guys like it
What do you think will happen in New York
Anyway hope you enjoy it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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