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a/n: the photo above shows what i imagine sienna's body to look like :)


       A week into the pregnancy, Lawryn's cravings had gotten from barely any food to gobbling up everything in her way. She sits in the uncomfortable chair while getting her hair dyed along Sienna with her doing the same thing. Lawryn sits in her seat with her hair covered with foils as a way to let the bleach settle into her dark hair, striping it off it's natural color. Sienna, who already had bleached hair, shifts in her seat as Daphne applied the color to her hair.
       After hours of letting the dye absorb into her hair, she looks over at Lawryn who was getting her hair washed to reveal the final product. She smiles and follows Daphne to the sink where she finds herself in a comfy seat as she leans back and lets her rinse her hair.
       The best friends walk home, their hair finished and styled. "I really like your hair, Lawryn. It looks really good,"
       Lawryn grins proudly and fluffs her hair. "Thanks. Your hair looks amazing too. Pastel pink really suits you,"
       Sienna smiles and watches as a group of teen girls walk up to them, grinning excitedly. "Omigod, you're Lawryn Hemmings! Could I get a picture?" The blonde girl asks and Lawryn grins before agreeing and quickly snapping a few pictures with the girls and creating some small talk. The brunette looks at Sienna in pure concentration and Sienna flushes in embarrassment, giving her a small wave before trying to avoid her gaze.
       "Hey, aren't you and Zayn Malik together or something?" She asks, the memory of the two of them together dawned on her. "Are you his girlfriend or something?"
       Sienna smiles uncomfortably, feeling like she owed the girl an answer yet at the same time, she didn't have to explain herself. Lawryn rescues her, taking her arm and bidding the group goodbye.
At home, out of genuine curiosity, Sienna wanted to know what people had to say about seeing her out and about with Zayn. She scrolls through his Twitter account as she reads some of the things about the two.

               '@zaynmalik Ew, she's so fat. Why is he even with her??'
               '@zaynmalik I didn't know u were attracted to cows'
               '@zaynmalik's girl or whatever is cool, she's saying that love comes in many different shapes and sizes, she's goals'
               '@zaynmalik she's so pretty!!!'
               'she looked like a princess in that dress!!'
               '@zaynmalik what's her name?'
               'people who think she's in love with him are stupid and blind, go get educated!!!'
               'fat people date fat people. skinny people date skinny people :)
               'we don't have any info on her and people are hating already, stop being petty'
               '@zaynmalik you win at life'

       She blushes at the last one and continues to read, unaware of the door opening behind her. She scrolls through the comments, some of them talking about negatives and others talk about positives. She smiles and bites her lip, rereading the positives as they make her smile.
       He makes his way into the shared bedroom with his girlfriend and smiles when he finds her lying on her stomach on the bed with her laptop. He notes her pink hair and touches his own, surprised that she dyed her hair yet glad since he had done the same thing with his own hair. He steps over to her, raising his hand before smacking her right on the bum harshly.
       She yelps and flips over, playfully glaring at him and he chuckles. "Hey," he leans down and presses his lips to hers and she smiles, pulling him close. "Wot are you up to?" He asks, reaching over to grab her laptop, she reaches out to stop him but is too late when he reads the screen, his eyes scanning over what she was reading. His demeanor changes when he looks at her. "Don't listen to the haters. They have nothing but bullshit to say," he glances at the screen and then back at his girl. "What are you doing with this anyways?" He exits the window and tosses her laptop back on the bed.
       She shrugs. "Lawryn and I met some fans while we were out and one of them recognized me and I was just curious on what they said about me on social media." She shrugs and he shakes his head.
       "Stay away from that shit. It'll ruin you," he says as he climbs over her, leaning close to her face.
       She nods. "I get that. But I can't always avoid it, you know?"
       He sighs and nods. "Just avoid as best as you can. I don't want this kind of thing to send you running for the hills." He cups her face in his big hands and stares deep into her eyes.
       "Okay and I won't. I'll always come back to you," she smiles and he grins, pressing his lips firmly to hers. She smiles against his lips and cups his face, panting softly when he pulls away hesitantly. "I swear, every time Lawryn sends me out on an errand, it's like she's trying to get me killed." He chuckles and shakes his head, pressing his lips to hers once more.
       She giggles and leans back to look at him. "She's crazy, but she's my best friend."
       He grins, a sparkle twinkling in his eye and she grins. "You decided to dye your hair, yeah?"
       "Well, you can't say anything. You did too."
       "It's a coincidence that we got it the same color, pink." He chuckles and she laughs softly.
       "Or maybe it's a soul mate thing," she jokes though she couldn't help but want it to be true. She catches a glimpse of emotion in his eyes and she couldn't catch it quick enough to decipher what it was. He gives her a tight-lipped smile and she returns it before looking away. Unsure of what to do or say, she turns away and grabs her laptop, closing it before clearing her throat and heading for the door. She presses her lips together as she leaves, dragging the door closed behind her as she leaves her boyfriend in the bedroom, the two of them dumbfounded about what had just happened. Why did you say that, you idiot, she scolds herself, now he's going to think you're fucking weird. She sighs and goes to the living room, finding Lawryn lying there with pieces of pop tarts piled on her chest along with bags of chips surrounding her.
       "One day, you're going to choke. And it won't be because of Luke's dick," Sienna says with a smirk before laughing and disappearing into the kitchen.
       "Hey! That's not cool," Lawryn calls and Sienna returns with a bottle of water in hand and a smile on her lips. She makes her way over to her best friend and sits down at the end of her feet.
       "What are you watching?" Sienna asks as she steals some of her best friend's food, shoving it into her mouth.
       "This is shit is stupid," Lawyn watches as the little girl struggled to hold onto her mother while demons (or whatever they were) attempt to steal her back into this whirlpool dimension. Lawryn scoffs and rolls her eyes, "The Poltergeist is shit, I mean seriously? It's a crappy film, why did it even scare me the first time I watched it anyways?"
       "I dunno Lawryn, you get scared easily." Sienna laughs and pats her best friend's leg. "Are you hungry?"
       "Always," Lawryn throws chips at her best friend before shoving the rest in her mouth. "Can you get me something from the fridge? I'm feeling dirty rice...or maybe cold pizza."
       Sienna laughs before moving her feet out of the way to get off the couch. She makes her way into the kitchen where she opens the fridge and looks for something that would satisfy Lawryn's demands. She looks through the fridge, grabbing a bowl of dirty rice and placing it in the microwave and then going back to grab her a slice (or two) of pizza. "You're lucky we have all of that stuff," Sienna calls her to her best friend who surfs through channels.
       She closes the fridge and her chest hammers when he stands in front of her, scaring her to bits. "You scared me," she breathes as she grabs a plate, placing the slices down before waiting for the rice to finish microwaving. He's still behind her when she turns around, her arms over her chest as she avoids his gaze.
       "I don't want wot you said to make anything awkward between us," he says, looking at her with those eyes she could never get enough of. "It's not something you hear, but, who cares? You can say wotever the fook you want and I wouldn't care because you're my girlfriend," he steps closer, his hand cupping her face, "and I love you for all that you are."
       She looks at him, unable to believe how lucky she had gotten. "I didn't say anything because I was surprised to hear you be so forward," he chuckles softly, "also, I'm not good at being romantic." She smiles at him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulls him into a hug. He hugs her back, leaning back to press his lips to hers before the sound Lawryn's groaning interrupts them. Sienna giggles and bites her lip, turning around to grab the dirty rice for her best friend. She shoves the pizza inside, microwaving it for thirty seconds before taking that to her as well.
       "Finally," Lawryn moans before taking the plate of pizza and bowl of rice. "Thanks," she says before turning her attention back to whatever it was she was watching this time. Sienna laughs softly and pats Lawryn on the knee. "Yeah, anytime," she says before returning to her boyfriend. "Hey," she smiles as he turns towards her. "I wanna talk to you about something important."
       "Wot's wrong?" His brows furrow as he grips her hips and pulls her closer to him.
       "Nothing's wrong," she shakes her head and gives him an assuring smile. "I just wanted to talk about moving in together,"
       "Oh?" He raises his brow in interest. "Wot about it?"
       "I know last week, we agreed on three months, but why don't we just go looking now? I mean—we might as well and besides," she leans close, her lips at his ear so Lawryn couldn't hear her in the other room, "Luke called me and told me he was coming to visit Lawryn on her birthday, which is in three months, and when she does tell him, he'll probably stay off tour for the baby."
       He nods understandingly. "So wot are you saying? Would we still be here or living in our own place?" He couldn't help but smirk as he waits for his girlfriend to answer, knowing it was going to be the second choice.
       She smiles and nudges him with her hip. "Our own place," she bites her lip, "but it would be smarter to look for places now than later."
       He nods his head in agreement. "I know you said to wait until three months were up but I couldn't help it." He smirks, "I think I found one that you'd really like,"
       She grins excitedly, "Really?"
       He grins and leans down to kiss her, only to pull away and look down at Tom and Jerry who scratches his leg, mewling for attention. Zayn pulls away and looks down at the brothers with a chuckle. He leans down and picks them both up, handing Tom over to her. "Hey baby," she coos as she rubs his belly. He mewls and leans back, his paws by his neck as he envelopes the rubs Sienna gives him. Zayn chuckles as he strokes Jerry behind his ear.

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