[four fifteen p.m.]

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a/n: sorry for not updating, hope this makes up for it; also if this hasn't been established but lawryn is pronounced like lauren

[four fifteen p.m.]

       Sienna taps her finger against the steering wheel as she drives Luke home from the airport along with her boyfriend. She glances in the rearview mirror to find Luke sleeping softly on Michael's shoulder—guessing he didn't catch enough sleep on the plane. It was cold in December, today marking Lawryn's birthday—the seventeenth (and eight days before her first ultrasound since she wanted it to be after her birthday, in hopes that Luke would be home by then.) Sienna was aware that Luke was coming home; everyone was except Lawryn.
       Zayn reaches over, grasping her free hand in his own to press a kiss to the back. "It's going to be okay," he soothes as she glances at him with a small smile before nodding. Lawryn was at home, thinking that the pair had gone out to run some errands for her. They still had to gather things together for her birthday party. She sighs softly when she thinks back to Lawryn's worries, aware that once or twice the paps had mange to capture pictures of her with her four-month belly though she tried to hide it the best that she could. Luke had yet to say anything so Sienna was sure he wasn't aware of it, yet.
       She bites her lip and rolls onto the driveway of the house and parks. She turns back and looks at the boys who were half-awake. "Okay, you guys head into the backyard with Zayn, and I'll get Lawryn out of the house so you guys can pick up some decorations and get the party ready." She checks the time, "We should be back by six thirty, and I have other things to do, okay?"
       Ashton and Michael who were the only two who were awake nods in agreement before slapping the other two to wake them up. She bites her lip before getting out of the car and heading to the back to take out their luggage, Zayn helping her as the four-member band groggily slip out of the car and sluggishly head towards the backyard. "I'll be back," she looks at her boyfriend with a small smile. "Keep watch of the guys and make sure you finish with the decorations. I'll get the cake and other stuff."
       "I can whip up some of my mum's cooking if you want." He suggests and she grins. "As long as it's not seafood. Lawryn hates seafood, except for Crab Rangoon..." She gasps, "Ooh, I should pick some up."
       He smiles at his girlfriend, loving how thoughtful she was and he isn't able to help himself when he leans down to press a kiss on her lips. Smiling in the kiss, she grips his shirt and pulls away hesitantly. "And I should make some red velvet cupcakes. Her parents are going to come over while I'm gone to help chip in with the cooking too."
       He chuckles, watching as his girlfriend blabbers on. "Oh, and her family is coming over too. Did you get the present? I can't forget the balloons, and I have to make sure that the edible arrangement has no pineapple whatsoever—not even touched pineapple. Then I have to head to the bank and—"
       "Babe," he chuckles and wraps his arms around her waist. "Stop freaking out. Everything is going to turn out great," he smiles at her. "Jesus, if you're going to be like this, I dunno if I'd want you to be there for my next birthday," he laughs and she gasps dramatically, shoving him playfully. "You're such a jerk," she grumbles as he pulls her back to his body. He licks his lips and stares at those eyes that he had fallen in love with and smiles.
       "But I'm your jerk,"
       "Shut up," she mumbles before letting him press his lips to her. She smiles softly and nudges him off her. "Okay, okay, I have to really go. I need to get these things done before seven. Make sure there's plenty of food."
       "I will," he chuckles, giving her bum a squeeze and she smirks, squeezing his right back. "Good," she shuts the trunk close.
       "I'll miss you."
       "I'll miss you too," she giggles as she heads inside to find Lawryn. "Lawryn," she calls as she makes her way into the bedroom to find Lawryn lounging on her bed lazily. "You lazy fluff," she shoves her best friend playfully. "Come on, birthday girl. We're running errands, I need you to come help me too."
Lawryn groans and rolls onto her side to look at Sienna. "With what?"
       Sienna makes farting noises and nudges her best friend once more. "Come on, I'm serious. Don't make me drag you off the bed,"
       She groans before sliding off the bed tiredly and making her way to the closet to grab one of Luke's shirts and changing her top, grabbing some leggings and pulling those on as well. "Can we get ice cream?"
       Sienna laughs and nods. "Sure," she says as she drags her best friend down the stairs and out the door. She makes her way into the car, twirling her keys on her finger before unlocking the car. She slips inside, shoving the key and turning on the ignition as her best friend groggily slips inside. "Where are we going?"
       "Uh..." Sienna looks back and backs the car out of the driveway. "We're probably gonna pick up some things from Hy-Vee and then maybe Sam's or Walmart." She makes a right turn, driving straight and out the neighborhood before making her way out onto the road.
       Inside the shop, she pushes the cart around with Lawryn following behind sluggishly like a child that was too tired to go grocery shopping with their mom. Sienna glances back to find Lawryn grabbing bags of candy and snacks from the aisle and she laughs softly, shaking her head before heading into another aisle to grab ingredients for the cupcakes. Sienna heads back to where Lawryn is and isn't surprised to find fans talking to her, unaware (at least she thought) of the protruding belly. "Lawryn," Sienna whispers from her spot with a shy smile as the teens turn and look at her with mild confusion and curiosity.
       Lawryn smiles and waves at the fans, giving them each quick hugs before rushing away to Sienna with the bags of candy and snacks in hand. "Sorry, they came up to me and wanted to talk."
       Sienna nods. "Yeah, I gotcha." She looks at in the cart and makes a mental check of what else she needed to buy from the store before deciding to check out. As they make their way to the line, another group of girls make their way up to the pair and Lawryn flips her hair in excitement, unaware that they had wanted to talk to Sienna.
       "Hey," one of them points at her. "Aren't you dating Zayn Malik?"
       Sienna looks at Lawryn before smiling awkwardly. "Um...yeah. I am," she says and the girls exchange looks before smiling. "Can we take pictures with you?"
       "Oh...uh..." She pauses, unsure of what to say and how to react. Lawryn nudges her best friend and gives her a small smile along with a nod. "Okay," she smiles softly before joining the trio by standing on the end while Lawryn takes the pictures.
       "Thank you so much." The blonde one says while smiling as she squeezes her phone like it's her lifeline. "Could you tell Zayn I said hi?"
       Sienna nods with a smile before waving at the girls and making her way to the checkout line. "Damn, Sea, you handled that well."
       She shrugs, unsure of what to say. "I guess," she bites her lip, "I'm not used to it so I'm not really all about pictures." Lawryn nods before shrugging it off. "Eventually, you get used to it. Even if you don't want to," Sienna nods before paying the cashier, grabbing her bags and heading out the door with her best friend as they make their way to the car, ready for the next stop.
        At Sam's, Sienna picks up multiple bundles of balloons and Lawryn's favorite flowers, along with other bouquets. She bites her lip excitedly as they agree to deliver the cake and Sienna thanks them before leaving to find Lawryn in the movie aisle. She smiles and makes her way to Lawryn, tapping her on the shoulder to tell her that she was getting ready to leave.
       Lawryn quickly grabs her stack of five movies before nodding and following Sienna to the self-checkout station. Once they manage to get everything together, they head back home, Sienna grinning excitedly as she hopes that they finished everything in time for the surprise party.
       She heads the grab some of the things, heading inside to find all the lights off and Lawryn looks around. "Did the power go out or something?" She makes her way into the living room where she turns on the lights and everyone jumps out, scaring her when they scream "surprise!" and Lawryn scurries to the couch before looking over the crowd to find them grinning excitedly. "You jerks!" Lawryn pouts and looks at her best friend before playfully glaring and rushing over to hug her tightly. "I hate surprises but thanks for this one." She pulls away and heads over to her family, chatting with them about her birthday.
       Sienna grins at the excitement in her best friend's eyes and looks around, wondering where Luke was while the three were surrounding Lawryn and congratulating her. He walks up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. "Did we do a good job?"
       "Of course you did," she smiles. "Where's Luke though? Shouldn't he be here celebrating his wife's birthday?"
       Zayn frowns and looks around. "I thought he came with the boys."
       She looks at the boys and back at him, shaking her head. "Nope, he's not—"
       "You cheating whore!" Luke slurs as he stumbles into the living room with a bottle of vodka in his hand. "I knew it! The media wasn't lying when they said you were pregnant and cheating on me!" Luke stumbles and struggles to make his way to the couch.
       "Luke," Lawryn breathes and makes her way over to help him. "Luke, you're drunk. Sit down,"
       "Don't touch me!" He snaps, whipping his arm from her grasp within a second and nearly pushing her to the ground. Everyone gasps as they watch the scene unravel in front of them. "Don't touch me," he slurs again and sits down, flopped over like a fish. He takes a swig of his drink, mumbling incoherent words and Lawryn stares at her husband in shock.
       "I'm not cheating on you. This is your fucking child, Luke. If you don't believe me, fine. I can get a DNA test if that's what you want. But you're an asshole for thinking that I would cheat on you like that." Sienna watches as Lawryn tries to stay calm before she storms off to her bedroom while Luke lies on the couch, intoxicated.
       "Babe, get everyone out and clean up please? I need to check on Lawryn." She looks at Zayn and he nods before she kisses his cheek and rushes towards the stairs, clambering up the stairs and rushing to her best friend's bedroom. She looks inside, surprised to find it to be empty and she makes her way to her own bedroom, not surprised when she finds Lawryn curled up in the fetal position in the middle of the bed.
       "Lawryn," Sienna makes her way towards the bed and sits on the edge, placing a comforting hand on her leg. "Lawryn, babes," Sienna pauses, hearing the soft whimpers and violent sniffles as her body shakes from crying so hard. Lawryn moves around, shoving the blanket off her before hugging Sienna in a death hold while sobbing.
       "Oh, Lawryn," she coos and rubs her back, tightening her hold on her best friend before rocking her gently. Sienna attempts to lean back to look at her best friend but Lawryn shakes her head and tightens her hold on Sienna. Sighing softly, she shifts and leans against the headboard, humming softly for a long time before she could feel Lawryn's grasp going limp and Sienna turns to look at her best friend, who's fallen asleep. She bites her lip before shifting gently and placing Lawryn down, pulling the covers over her as Zayn walks in.
       "Hey," he whispers, looking at his girlfriend who stands up and pulls her shirt down. "Is everything okay?"
       Sienna shrugs. "I dunno. She's badly hurt. She just cried herself to sleep while I sang to her." She crosses her arms and makes her way towards him. "Where's Luke?"
       "Downstairs. He's knocked out on the couch."
       "He's a shit person." She rolls her eyes. "He's an ass for thinking she would do something like that to him. He should've asked her or confronted her in private. It's a shitty move for him to do that to her." Sienna scoffs and runs a hand through her hair before looking at Zayn. "Is it okay with you if I sleep with Lawryn? Just for tonight?"
       He rubs her back comfortingly and nods. "Yeah, of course," he leans down and presses a kiss to her forehead. "Goodnight. I love you."
       "I love you too." She smiles and hugs him before watching him leave the bedroom. She sighs and looks over to her best friend's sleeping figure and makes her way over, joining her best friend.
In the middle of the night, she finds her body feeling cold and empty though Lawryn was sleeping beside her. She bites her lip and flips onto her side for the fifty-millionth time that night. She groans softly and looks to her side to find Lawryn soundly asleep and she shuffles around before deciding to get up. She leaves the bedroom, making her way towards the guestroom where she finds him fast asleep in the bed. She bites her lip and makes her way towards the bed, climbing and curling up to him.
       "I thought you were gonna sleep with Lawryn tonight," he mumbles tiredly.
       "I know, but I couldn't sleep. Not without you," she explains as she immediately feels more at home in his arms. She could see him smiling in the dark and she bites her lip before snuggling into his chest. "Hold me," she mumbles and he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest. He takes in her scent before pressing a kiss to her forehead and she smiles, nuzzling his chest.

       The next morning, she hears shuffling and soft crying in the room beside her, which was Lawryn's room. She looks over to find Zayn had disappeared and she makes her way off the bed, towards Lawryn's room. She bites her lip and finds Lawryn sobbing on the bed with Zayn comforting her the best that he can. She bites her lip, feeling immediately angered by Luke upsetting her best friend. She storms downstairs where she finds Luke still asleep on the couch.
       With her jaw clenched, she grabs a water bottle and unscrews the top, splashing the water all over him and watching as he wakes up a sputtering mess. She glares at him and places the bottle on the table. "What the fuck was that for?"
       "How can you have the audacity to ask Lawryn if that is your child?"
       "What?" He looks at her confused. "You don't fucking remember? You don't remember last night when you fucked over Lawryn when you terrorized her about your fucking baby that she's carrying?"
       "Baby?" He looks confused for a moment before his demeanor changes as if he remembers. "She's cheating on me. There's no fucking way that that is my baby." Luke says angrily and his jaw clenches.
       "I'm so fucking close to slapping the shit out of you, Luke Robert Hemmings. She's been fucking pregnant for almost four months. You fucked the shit out of your fucking wife before you left for tour three months ago. You dumb fuck, that's your fucking baby!" She snaps and glares at him as he takes a moment to let it sink in.
       "How could she not have known she was pregnant the first month?"
       "She needed a month for a period to come, moron. Besides, her mom was pregnant with Lawryn's sister the entire pregnancy without knowing until like two months before she gave birth. Did Lawryn not tell you this?"
       "Fuck," Luke curses and looks like he's about to cry. "Where is she?"
       "In your shared bedroom, crying her eyes out." Sienna snaps and Luke sighs, running a hand through his hair.
       "I fucked up bad, didn't I?"
       "Considering the fact that your wife is sitting in your shared bedroom, crying over the fact that you wouldn't believe her when she told you it was your child? Yeah, I'd say you fucked up more than just badly."
       He huffs and paces the room before rushing upstairs and she quickly follows him hot on his heels. He barges in the room to find her leaning on Zayn with tear-stained cheeks and Zayn looks at Luke then down at Lawryn who gasps before pulling the covers over her head. "Can I talk to her?" Luke asks, his chest heaving as he stares at the ball under the blankets that was his wife. Zayn looks to Sienna, who nods before he nods and gets up, leaving the room with his girlfriend. Luke closes the door and Sienna makes her way downstairs with Zayn.
       "What happened this morning?"
       "Lawryn stumbled around in her bedroom and she found Luke's wedding ring on the bedside table and started crying. Like badly,"
       "Shit, I'm sorry. I bet you felt awkward trying to comfort her."
       He shrugs. "No, not really, she just threw her arms around me and started crying on my shoulder," he licks his lips. "I'm used to it. Especially living with three sisters,"
       She nods. "Thank you." She hugs him. "I just hope they work everything out today, because I'm not about the silent treatments they give each other." Sienna laughs softly. "They're really petty when they're in silent treatment mode."
       He grins and shakes his head and looks at her. "Cute, but I'm glad we're not like that." He chuckles and she nudges him with a grin. "Different couples do different things."
       After hours—two to be exact—of shouting, crying, and hushed whispers upstairs, the wedded couple makes their way downstairs as if nothing had happened. Sienna and Zayn looks over at them as Lawryn holds onto Luke's arm while they grin and giggle with one another. Leaving her boyfriend's grasp, she makes her way into the kitchen where the pair looks up from one another to find their friend looking at them with a raised brow and a smirk.
       "Looks like you two made up," Sienna notes and Zayn comes up from behind her, snaking his arms around her waist.
       "Yeah, we did." Luke grins and Sienna notes how much brighter his eyes look and how much more happier and content Lawryn seemed.
       "Good. We were getting tired of hearing the two of you yelling." Zayn chuckles and nuzzles his girlfriend. "I'm surprised there wasn't any makeup sex."
Luke turns to Lawryn and smirks at her, causing her to blush before bursting into giggles and hiding her face into his chest. "I don't even wanna know." Sienna gags and laughs softly. "Are you two hungry?"
       "I already ate," Luke explains.
       "Ate what—whoa! WHOA!" Sienna stares at Luke and shudders, "I said I didn't want to know."
       Zayn chuckles and shakes his head. "Anyways,"

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