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Once upon time there was two friends are lived in hyderabad .how often do you hear of love at first sight? Doesn't happen? As a sophomore I attended a new high school as the family moved to a new city. I boarded the school bus for the ride to school. A few stops after mine, the bus stopped to pick up another group of students. As I watched the new faces board the buss, I saw a girl coming down the isle looking of a seat. I don't know what happened to me but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Well maybe only to me but that's is how I felt. Just the bluest eyes and ash blond hair. I can to this day picture in my mind the exact clothes she wore. Well I knew that moment that this is the girl I'm going to marry some day. Now remember that I just saw her for the first time. I didn't know her name, what grade she was in school, or if she already had a boyfriend. and I'm at a new school where I don't know anyone! Took me most of that first year to get into the crowd she hung around with and to learn her name. Then, being the quiet type, a long time to talk to her and and ask if she would like to come to a pool party at my house.Thenext two years were the typical high school romance with the back seat drive in friday nights and long walks home from school instead of taking the bus. By the end of my senior year we already had plans to get married, and that happened very soon after. Then life happens.. Two children in the third and fifth year of our marriage, the new house and a new car for her. I was working ten hours a day and she was home with the children. The typical Cleaver's if your old enough to remember that show. Then for that reason we never see coming, and don't understand at the time and was never talked about, she was dissatisfied with her life with me and we divorced. I was told that I had to leave nine years of marriage and all that I cared about. My children and my wife. The house we bought. I was devastated. I don't think I heard any of the words that the lawyers said when we talked to them. I just didn't believe this was real. Our divorce was not one of those you hear about. It was just sad. I just couldn't believe this was happening. I didn't care, what ever she wanted was fine with me. I didn't want to fight, I just wanted it over. We have always stayed in touch over the years and she is still the only woman other than my mother and sisters, I have ever truly been in love with. Now heading to my mid sixties, and at the point I don't think a bolt of lightning is ever going to strike twice, I know this, she was and is the love of MY LIFE, I LOVE U FARHAN.

                                                              ABOUT MY LOVE 


                        His name was farhan khan he lived in great nodia .He study at University of Delhi ,he works at TUNE JO KAHA and STUDENT OF THE YEAR.He live with his mom and brother.

He likes chocolates very must ,he loves me most in the world .One day he go to park for walk in garden then he seen me there and he proposed to u me ,but i don't repiled to his question.He followed me two years and he was always in front of my house .After somedays me replied his answerd. I accpected his love. we are go to long drive and enjoyed. we danced on his favorite song tum hi ho. After sometimes we played games like truth and dare we played a lot ,then we left for home , time 10:00 pm ,my mom was so angry at that day she asked where do u go i told i m enjoying with friends party.Next day morning he was infornt of my house .I was shocked and i was telling to me go away from my home he went after sometime i was going collage he and me was going together i was bunk my collage and i was with my love . we go to cafe and talking about marry when we marry ,we think love to arrange marry and me went to my home.

I spent a couple of years writing couples’ love stories for a newspaper’s now-discontinued Sunday lifestyle section, and quite a few of them were about reunited first loves, or those who married their high school sweethearts

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I spent a couple of years writing couples’ love stories for a newspaper’s now-discontinued Sunday lifestyle section, and quite a few of them were about reunited first loves, or those who married their high school sweethearts.

Do you ever totally forget your first love? (This excludes of course those who go through a divorce with said person! Then they remain unforgettable in a truly different fashion!)

The reason first love stories are so compelling to read is because there is something so powerful about a young love experience. Is it because it happens when our hearts are still innocent and pure — before that first inevitable heartbreak? Or is it because once that huge flame dies out, a few warm embers remain to keep the memory aglow?

It’s true, too, that we tend to get even more sentimental as we age, especially about memories of long ago. An unfinished love keeps some allure for many years.

Whatever keeps those tender feelings in play, some long to have that feeling again as evidenced by those who go in search of that first love. With social media around now, it is not difficult to do.

Each time I wrote of a love story, my own first love came to mind. Although we did not end up together, we are still in touch as friends. It is the kind of sentimental friendship you would feel for a best friend from way back when. So many shared experiences make for great fun in reminiscing.

The only thing truly unique about my own story is that I found a soul mate so young — a romanticist like me and a renaissance man, in the middle of a large urban high school in a working class neighborhood.

Here then is my own story.

When I was a teen, I was a romanticist and a dreamer, longing for someone to cherish me. Money was scarce too and I was surrounded by girls whose families spoiled them with everything

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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