Settling in

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Your job was going really well. You loved working there and you memorised where things were pretty quickly. Your boss says you're the best worker they've ever had.

One day, you were re-stacking some shelves and singing along to Fall Out Boy that was on the radio in the store, when you heard the door open. Without taking an eye off what you were doing, you said:

"Hi, I'll be with you in just a second." You heard a strangely familiar voice say:

"Oh okay don't worry about it I'm just gonna look around for a bit."

You still didn't turn to see who it was. You continued stacking the shelves and when you were done, you looked around for the customer. It was a pretty quiet day, so he was the only one here and your boss had a family emergency and had to leave you in charge, so it was just you working there.
You couldn't see him and you didn't want him to think you were a creep by peering round the corners to try and find him, so instead, you went over to the register and waited for him to come to you. After about five minutes, you looked up and saw him standing in front of you holding a pair of high-tops. You couldn't believe it. You tried not to go full fan girl on him so you tried to keep your cool.

"Is it okay if I try these on?" He said.

"Yeah course it is. What size are you?"


"Oh cool I'm an 8 too." You said with a giggle. You thought your feet were going to stop growing when you got to 5, but no, now you're stuck with clown feet.

You were both giggling when suddenly you remembered

"Oh right-sorry I'll go get your size 8's." You said embarrassingly. You scurried into the back room where you kept all the ones that weren't on the shelves.

'OH MY GOD' you whispered to yourself, 'JOSH DUN IS IN MY STORE! AAHHHHH!' You were freaking out but had to make sure he didn't hear you screaming. You returned to where he was and handed him the shoes. He smiled and thanked you as he sat down to try them on.

"Are they any good?" You asked.

"Yeah, they're perfect. I'll take them" you smiled and scanned them through.

"Should I wrap them or are you gonna wear them now?" You asked.

"I'll wear them now if that's okay" he smiled. You said it was, and handed him the shoes.

"That'll be $39.99" you said. He handed you the money.

"Keep the change." He said with a smirk. He then thanked you and left. You were about to begin your "screaming to yourself session" again when he returned.

"Back so soon?" You asked. You both laughed.

"Well I... I was wondering if um... Well it's embarrassing." He paused. "Can I have your phone number?" JOSH FRICKING DUN JUST ASKED FOR YOUR NUMBER WHAT. You grabbed his hand and wrote your number down on his palm. You smiled at him as you walked past. You knew he was staring at your ass but then he left, thanking you again.

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