Just Like Old Times

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{ Georgia's POV }

"Cheshire's own Harry styles returns back from his world tour. Sources say he is excited to spend time with family and friends, and quote on quote be a normal teenager again".

I threw the newspaper into the trash after reading the first article on the front page. Harry styles...don't get me started.

Many may say I'm a privileged teen to live in the same town as one of the biggest pop-stars in the world today. Others may also say I'm one of the luckiest girls alive to have actually known him.

You see Harry and I were together in secondary school for a couple years until I left. We never really hung out...he had his own group of friends, I had mine an so on.

It was everywhere, everyone was talking about fucking Harry coming back. And to be honest I couldn't give a rats ass.

"Georgia guess who I just ran into at the bakery"

Please don't say his name...please mum for the love of God don't say Harry Styles.

"Your old boss Barbara".

Oh thank goodness.....

"Oh yeah haven't seen her in ages". My voice was shaky with the thoughts going through my head.

I needed air, more like the freshness of England filling my senses so I could actually think. I ran upstairs grabbing my coat off the side of the chair that was tucked into the room.

"Mum I will back back in awhile". With that I was already down our skinny little drive way.

Our house was in the center of Cheshire where everything actually happened to be. There was a small theater where movies and different shows played only on the weekends.

The English air whipped against my already cold body. But the freshness of it all was what I love about England. Spending days outside just staring at the sky was like a safe haven for me. Nature was just something I felt connected to in a way.

My thoughts were broken abruptly to a voice I knew almost a little to well.

"Yogurt girl"?

No no it couldn't be him, well technically I didn't know yet given my back was turned but I could almost be a hundred percent sure.

Yogurt girl...oh no.

"Georgia Callahan is that you"?

My cheeks must have been blazing with embarrassment and the added affects of the harsh wind.

I turned around slowly to the figure standing there looking me up and down.

I was bloody speechless with how much he had changed, no longer the semi dorky kid. Harry Styles was perfection....from head to toe.

"...-...Harry-...", I barely managed to croak out after finding the right words.

His lips were curved into the famous smirk the world freaked out over. My was he tall.

"Not going to throw yogurt on me now are you". He laughed remembering the most embarrassing moment of my life.

It's was year 5 one of the worst moments of my life that I swore to never speak of again. I had been eating the yogurt my mum had packed me while trying to get the books out of my locker. Harry's locker was next to mine and his annoying ass friends kept crowding around him, pushing me as a result. Well I guess one of them must of hit me a little to hard and the yogurt I was holding flew out of my hand, landing on Styles himself. His face was priceless at the time but mortifying for me. I ended up leaving a few months later not because of that but it was a good reason non the less..

"No yogurt on me Styles, Sorry to disappoint".

He actually laughed at that. What the hell was wrong with him?

"Same old Georgia, Quirky and Sassy". His voice echoed off the whaling wind. Raspy couldn't even describe it.....but sexy could. Stop that Georgia.

"Same old Harry, Honest and Confident".

Before he could another word in his phone began to ring alarming the both of us. He answered it quickly with no hesitation.

"Yeah mum I actually ran into one of my old friends".

Friends? I don't think so Styles.

"I will ask her okay bye". With that he threw his fancy phone into his coat pocket before turning back to me.

"Well Georgia how would like to have dinner at my house"?

No no no bloody hell no.

"... Sure....".

It came out before I even think about taking it back.

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