Fighting Brought Us Together - Chapter 1

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Fighting Brought Us Together 


Time to end this.

I raise my dominant arm to deliver the merciless coup de grâce: a powerful uppercut to my adversary.

He's almost a foot taller than me and is of buxom physique. Though the odds were in his favor, given his built and experience, somehow his moves were still pretty half-assed and he depends  more on instinct than on wits. Don't get me wrong. He's quite good, actually.

Just not good enough.

I get down on my haunches in front of my so-called-professional opponent as I wait for the referee to start the countdown. I tilt my head to the left as I take in his weary face. His face alone harbors many injuries, among them, a broken and bleeding nose and multiple scratches. I'll take credit for those, thank you.

Along with the screaming crowd, the referee starts counting.

"Three! Two! One! Aaaaand OUT!"

His amplified voice can barely be heard above the din from the rowdy crowd.

"And the winner is the still-undefeated champion... Eternal!"

If possible, the cheering and screaming get louder and, raising my fists towards the dark roof of the building, I grin back at them, even though I am aware that they cannot see it through my mask. Nevertheless, I bob my head in rhythm to the deafening chants of "Eternal! Eternal!" and fist pump with it. After moments of appreciating the love, I start my victory walk around the ring, breathing in the smell of sweat, blood and victory, basking in the electric ambience, as adrenaline course through my veins. Euphoria is what I feel. This is my moment.

I tell myself to enjoy the experience, because it is going to be the last time I fight here.

Yes, my time here has reached its limit.

This thought sobers me, and I grip the strong red and blue ropes that borders the ring to swing my body over it. I land gracefully in front of the audience and that caused them to cheer louder.

I shake off the locks of hair that stick to my skin because of the sheen of sweat on it, and go over to yank the microphone from the hands of a surprised commentator.

I start yelling into it.

"Hell yeah! That was a kickass fight, if i do say so myself!" At that, the crowd starts cheering for me and jeering at my bruised and battered adversary as his bloodied form gets carted off on a stretcher. "I hope you guys enjoyed that fight 'cause it's the last fight for me here at Black Teal Underground Fight Club! Thank you! Eternal OUT! PEACE!"

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I make a beeline for the changing room as confusion sweeps the crowd. Eager to evade any insults or protests that may come my way, I decide to take refuge in the privacy of the fighters' unisex changing room along the corridor before the audience registers my words.

With every step I take, the adrenaline leaves my system.

The doors slam shut behind me and I feel my eyes relax. Though the room is painted white, it cannot begin to compare to the intense glare from the lights around the ring. I make sure to lock the door after me; I am the last fight anyway; no-one else will use the room.

I hear the crowd start to go berserk, flinging questions and profanities at a sheepish Henry who is making efforts to explain and calm the crowd down.

I tune Henry out as I walk towards the shower stalls. I don't need to hear it again. I don't want to be reminded.

Too late.

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