ruined shoes and soft hair

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in my second hour i went out side to help with animals and as much as i love animals my NEW shoes got dirty and i just bought these 4 days ago and i only wore them 2 times and now there dirty. i really hate that they got dirty so soon i try to keep them clean for at least a month after buying them but i guess it was a lost cause cus they were going to get dirty anyways i really dont know why i bother with it i guess i just wanted to look nice and not like a dirty person. but at least my hair is soft and looks nice and my boobs look amazing today i think its the low cut shirt but i still like the way it looks and i yesterday after school i got a complement on my boobs it seems like everyone likes my boobs. and also my hair has been really soft and its actually growing out cus i bleached my hair to many times and it killed my hair and i had to shave it off and now after a few monts its starting to grow at a normal rate and be soft and now i  can dye it blue and be done wit dying it a new color every week and never dye your hair red cus that shit wont fade i bleached it and striped the color and nothing happened and i tride toneing out the red didnt work i tried dying over it kinda worked but not really and i really hate the red in my hair now and i want it gone and it wont go and i hate it i really wanna dye my hair blue again but i dont even have the money for the dye and i need more bleatch but all this hair stuff is expensive as hell like 40$ for bleatch but it did last me almost a year and developer is like 5$ not much but i do my hair alot and dye is 5$ and it does last about a month but i still feel like just spending 250$ at a slon and having someone eles do it but i feel like they will kill my hair and cut it all off or something and i really dont wanna risk that nus my hair is still growing back and i dont wanna cut it all off again cus it took almost a year and its just now starting to be nomal again and not krispy cream and frizy and stuff. wow my class is amlost over and i did one question and im really tired and bored and i hate cramps  and waterfalls and i wanna go home and sleep and eat cus i dint have anything but bummy candys and i really want a chiken salid from pollo tropical but im broke and cant drive cus i dont have a listens or a car or anyone who cand drive so im fucked and i know my mom wont leave work just to buy me food and then if i call her and say im sick she will yell at me cus i missed school monday and tuesdya and i just really want a salid and maybe some soup or pizza or something i dont know any more im just hungry and tired. wow i just wasted almost the whole class writing this well looks like i have homework to do now 


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