Chapter 3

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TaeYang's P.O.V

"Death Penalty..." Sun Mi spoke after being intimidated by her sister Hye Mi. I turned my attention to Eun Mi, the eldest of the three. 'Don't do it, don't! Say no!' I begged in my mind, still surprised by the ones that stood before me. I stared into those blue eyes that I haven't seen in so long, awaiting her vote. By the way she looked at me; I could tell she still remembered just as much as I remembered her. But soon enough all emotion left her face, suddenly giving me a cold glare. "Death Penalty" she said. Though her face held no emotion, her voice was full of hate. Why would she do it? Didn't our friendship mean anything to her? "The decision has been made. Lock them away in the dungeon, for tomorrow shall be their big day." I looked one last time at Eun Mi who had just got up and began to leave the room, her two sisters behind her. "Eun Mi..." her name escaped my lips, just as she was about to go out the door. Her sister's looked back at me confused wondering why I knew their sister's name, seems like that they don't remember me. At that moment Eun Mi turned around, looking directly at me, her lips mouthing the words 'good luck', a small smirk played across her lips and with that she left the room. I stared in disbelief in the direction she disappeared off to. I began to scream out her name repeatedly as I struggled against the guards that grabbed us dragging us to the dungeon.

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Eun Mi’s P.O.V

I finally made it into my room and went directly to the window. Looking out I could see the forest that lay beyond the kingdom's tall walls, that forest that all four us used to play in such a long time ago. I bowed my head getting lost in my thoughts. "It's already healed..." the sound of Hye Mi's voice snapped me back into reality. "Of course, I already told you it would." I smiled but my smile didn't reach my eyes. "Remember we may have bodies of humans, but we heal a lot faster than them." I continued. "I know that, but this one sure took it's time..." Hye Mi responded back. "Yeah? Like what? 10 minutes? Please don't be such a worry wart." I laughed and so did Hye Mi. "Why did you do it Eun Mi?" I turned my attention to Sun Mi who was standing by the door looking straight at me. "What do you mean?" I asked her. Sun Mi then looked at Hye Mi "I don't know if you recognized him Hye Mi, but I have. At first I thought he was a mere enemy but when he called out Eun Mi's name and I took a better look at him I recognized him immediately. I still remember when we were separated from that day..." I looked at Hye Mi who was thinking back, surprise shown on her face the moment she realized who he was. "I thought you didn't recognize him..." Saying that, I looked out the window again. "So it was him...Taeyang" Hye Mi said, I could still see the surprised expression on her face through the reflection of the window. "Stop...The decision has already been made, and there is nothing that is going to change it. Just quietly leave, I want to be alone." I said my voice full with sadness. "You're mistaken sister, there is a way, we just need to speak with our father. The law says that if at least one of us opposes another voting will take place. But before the voting, father and everyone else will be busy getting more information on the situation while we can take that chance to think of something.” I felt Sun Mi place her hand on my shoulder as she told me this. I felt enraged as I took her hand off, turning to look directly at her “Don’t you dare question my vote! I chose the death penalty for him and no one is going to make me go back on my word, understand?” I raised my voice at her. I knew that what she had said was possible but because of my pride I would not change my decision. “But…” I heard Hye Mi begin to say. “But nothing! Who’s side are you on?!” I told her before should could protest. “…” Hye Mi stood there looking at me a bit shaken by the fact that I had raised my voice at her. “Hye Mi you know that what I say is true.” Sun Mi said. I could tell that Hye Mi didn’t know what to say or do; she didn’t like to pick sides in these kinds situations. I actually felt a bit bad for putting her on the spot but I didn’t show it, I kept my serious and stern face. She finally began to speak, “I know Sun Mi, but-” “You know what? Forget it. Both of you just leave before I force you out.”  I cut Hye Mi off before she could say anything else, I was already feeling bad about myself and if the three of us start bickering it wasn’t going to make me feel any better. I just really wanted to be alone right now. I looked at them to see that they hadn’t moved from their spots. “LEAVE!!” I yelled. At that moment someone knocked on the door, it opened to reveal Ji Yong who seemed to be passing by. “Is everything okay in here?”He asked looking at all of us. “Yes everything is fine Sir Ji Yong, we were just about to leave.” Answered Sun Mi. She took her leave from my room with Hye Mi behind her.

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