Coolest Cop Ever

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Vanoss'/ Evan's Pov

"So are you guys ready" Tyler questioned waiting impatiently by the door.

"Hang on I need to pee" Marcel said jogging towards the bathroom. Tyler let out an exaggerated sigh and crossed his arms.

Today was the day I got back on the crime scene. I missed the adrenaline rush. We weren't doing much, we were just going to fuck with some people.

"Alright now can we go" Tyler said eyeing eyeone as Marcel returned.

"Wait..." David said checking his pockets. Tyler sent David a glare. David chuckled awkwardly.

"Never mind" he said and Tyler clapped his hands together excited for our return.

"Alright boys get in" Tyler yelled and began driving.

"Tyler slow down" Marcel whined seeing Tyler going way over the speed limit.

"Why" Tyler said looking towards the male in the passenger seat.

Sirens came up from behind us.

"Because of that" Marcel said sitting back with a frown.

"Pull over, we can mess with his guy" David chuckled.

Tyler pulled over and the dumbass cop did as well. As he approached the car Tyler rolled down the window.

"Problem officer" Tyler questioned.

"No I pulled you over because I felt like it" The officer said rolling his eyes.

This caused me and the guys to laugh, but Tyler was having none of it.

"Sarcastic asshole" Tyler mumbled.

"Thanks its my first language" The cop replied.

Tyler let out a huff.

"Look man, you were going 90 miles an hour, don't know where you heading and I don't actual care but I would love it you would just slow the fuck down so I don't have to pretend that I care that some dudes died in a car crash, aight?" The cop said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I studied the cop closer. His black hair spiked up slightly and his eyes covered with glasses.

"Alright sir, we will" Lui said before Tyler could say anything else.

"Wait so your not giving us a ticket" David questioned confused.

"The fuck dose a ticket do for anyone, its a piece of flimsy paper" The cop said looking towards David.

"Uh.. Thanks" Tyler said giving a slight nod to the cop.

"Whatever, just keep it to a 65" He warned and gave a slight nod to all us and walked away back to his squad car.

"What the fuck just happened" Tyler said pulling onto the highway.

"We just met the coolest cop ever" I chuckled.

"We never fucked with him" David said sadly.

"He was way to chill to fuck with" Lui said looking towards David who fake pouted.

"Don't worry, we're almost at the pier" Wildcat smiled evily.

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