Night Time

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Delirious' POV

12:38 am

Night time struck and I glanced at phone for my first victim. As I drove through the ghetto parts of town I glanced at all the homeless people who slept on the hard cement floor.

I arrived at the victims house and exited my car. I walked around the back and slowly and quietly opened the door.

Delirious is coming back tonight...

I see the man watching a 90's show on TV. Seeing as I had a scheduled to keep to I walked up to him and slit his throat without hesitation.

I sprayed three words on the wall before leaving.

Broken, hurt, Delirious


I got back into my car and ticked his name off the list. Next victim, Sandra Hope. I arrived at her little house and walked around back, the door was locked. I huffed and cursed her for being smart. I took out a little pin and picked the lock of the door. After a minuet or two I was in. I glanced around seeing no one up. I slowly made my way upstairs seeing the bedroom door locked as well.

For fuck sakes! This person must be the smartest person ever.

I picked another lock slowly not to make any noise. I opened the door and walked over to the victim. She had a sleeping mask on mumbling things in her sleep. I raised my knife above her heart and quickly lashed down seeing the blood leaving her body and seeing all her skin drain from its color.

I sprayed another three words on her bedroom walls.

Blood, emotionless, Delirious

Two Bounty's down and shit ton to go.


Ticking her name off the list I started the car and drove to peter Andrews house. Now this guy was a little insane. I knew for a fact he had alarms in his house meaning it would be a little more difficult to enter the house.

Arriving at the house I glanced around looking for an open window anywhere because If I entered by a door the alarm would go off. Seeing the bathroom window opened I climbed on top of his big ass jeep and hopped on top of the garage. I then slowly and carefully made my way across the roof and into the bathroom. I slowly stepped out of the bathroom and made my way through the bedroom in search for my victim. I came across a closed door and I slowly opened it seeing the man fast asleep.

I quickly slit his throat and used his blood to make my markings on the wall.

Lied, guilt, delirious

Creeping out of the window and back into my car I huffed.


Next victim was up living in vine hill of course another depressed man. What's funny is that these two were the couple I was meant to kill but got carried away with some assholes.

I entered the house from the back door seeing as it was unlocked. I see a man on the couch sleep. The TV light was bright and the music was muted. I slit his throat and wrote three words upon the living room walls.

Sad, angry and Delirious

My next victim awaited upstairs. I walked up the stairs not caring if the victim heard me, I opened the door seeing the woman laying next to another man. I rolled my eyes knowing that her soon to be ex husband was sleeping downstairs and could probably hear it all.

Not wanting to waste my energy I stabbed the girl and placed her body on top of the man who grumbled in his sleep. I then sprayed three words on the wall.

Marriage, slut, delirious


Exiting the house and entering my car I was becoming tired. I haven't slept properly in god knows how long. One last victim before I can return to Maddy's house and sleep, I'll be happy if I never even wake up.

Arriving at the house I see the lights on and the music up loud. I frowned. Slowly entering the kitchen I see the man dancing to music on the TV by himself.

How sad is this!?

I slowly approached the man and killed him writing three words upon the walls.

Unlocked, idiot, Delirious


Arriving at Maddy's house I crept in quietly and stripped for my clothes and set up a bed on the couch. As soon as I hit my head on the pillow I was out.

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