Where It All Started

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"Alyana! Get up!" My mom yells up the steps for me. I yell back that I'm already awake and getting ready for school. It's already the third week of my senior year. I'm happy that it's finally my last year in high school, but I know that I'm going to miss it after I'm gone. I sigh as I brush my long red hair. I check the time on my phone and see I have 20 minutes to get ready so I can catch the bus. I put on my usual dark makeup and red lipstick that matches my hair. I look down at my black skinny jeans and red crop top.

When it's time to leave, I quickly put my black combat boots on and grab my bag. "Mama! I'm gone!" I yell out so she knows that I'm leaving. 'Only a minute late! Yes!' I think to myself. I walk quickly to the bus stop right down the street. When I get there, I see two boys walking to the bus stop. I've never seen them before. I roll my eyes when the local bully and his "friends" approach the new boys. Even though I can't hear what they say, I know that they are trying to get the new guys' lunch money. 'Are we back in middle school?' I think to myself and sigh. As a few minutes pass, one of the boys pushes the main bully and him and his friends pull out their pocket knives. I really want to go stop them, but one more fight would mean jail for me.

I watch them fight only one of the new boys for two minutes. 'Really? The bus decides to be extra late today?' I think to myself. The new boy that was fighting grabbed one of their arms and breaks it with ease. He gets the knife and stabs one of the others, leaving the knife in the bully's stomach. The last, and main, one rushed at him and the boy punches him, breaking his nose. I hear the roar of the bus as the new boys run away. The bus driver sees the three bullies

and he gets off of the bus to check on them. He calls an ambulance to come pick up the three injured boys. No one thinks to ask me what happened and I'm glad. The ride to school is a long one as the events that I just witnessed plays repeatedly in my head. When the bus pulls in, someone is in the bus lane giving out late bus passes. I guess more time went by than I thought.

I'm sitting in first period, doing my work, and there's a knock on the classroom door. The teacher opens the door and talks to whoever's at the door. I can't see who it is, no matter how much I try to see. When she lets him in the door, I drop my pencil on the and stare. 'He actually came to school?! After what happened?!' Standing in the front is the boy that fought the bullies. He is smiling like nothing happened. I see the teacher point at me and I look at the empty seat beside me. Then, I look around and notice that it's the only empty seat. I jump as he sits down beside me. "You okay? Did I scare you?" He asks. He has a cute deep voice and he looks kind of cute too.

"I-I'm fine. I was just lost in thought..." I smile shyly. He smiles sweetly at me and I blush, looking down at my book.

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