He Talked To Me

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  It's finally 7th period, the last class of the day and it's the only class that me and my best friend have together. "He has all of my classes!" I whisper since he's sitting two seats to my right. All Alicia can do is giggle. I already texted her and told her what happened this morning. She winks at me and I playfully push her. "Stop it! I don't need to

get in trouble and he is obviously a lot of trouble!" We start laughing and people look at both of us, except him. He is staring at me and a part of me is afraid that he heard us. I spend the last half of class working on my assignment silently, not looking at anyone.

When the bell rings, I tell Alicia to go on without me and I pack up slowly. I look around and don't see anyone, but I feel like someone is watching me. I text mom and tell her that I'm walking home instead of riding the bus. When I pick up my bookbag, my phone lights up and it shows that I have a text. It reads: "I see you Alyanna." with a smirking emoji. I roll my eyes because I'm convinced that it's just a prank, and whoever it is, spelled my name wrong.

I take a step towards the door and I hear a chuckle to my left. Gripping my pen tight, I stare in that direction and slowly shuffle to the door. The new boy steps out of the shadows, grinning, and waves at me. A sigh escapes me as I stop moving, but I never loosen my grip on the pen, just in case he tries something. "Don't talk. Just listen." He tells me. "I saw you this morning at the bus stop. I know you were watching the whole time. No I'm not mad at you. And no I'm not going to hurt you. Understand?" I nod my head, still on edge, and moves back when he steps towards me. "It was pure luck when I beat them. I just felt a strength that I haven't before. And with that, came satisfaction from me hurting them." I keep backing up, trying to get away. He starts to look hurt, so I stop. I sigh and apologize. "I can't get into anymore trouble or I will get put in jail." I tell him. "If I am even around a fight, I can get in trouble with my P.O. I hope you can understand." He nods and I turn to walk out of the door and he gently grabs my wrist. I tense up and he pulls me to face him. I look into his eyes and relax. I can see loneliness in his gorgeous brown eyes.

"I won't get you in trouble, I promise." He assures me. "May I ask what happened? Why do you have a P.O.?"  

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