Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is Ruki here and im back with an fanfic that i had wanted to write for a long time after watching d gray man *^* this is a oc x tyki mikk fanfic which will be containing smuts, possibly rape and torture in the near future chapters so please DO NOT READ ON IF YOU'RE TRIGGER BY THESE. ALSO, I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING ELSE APART FROM MY OC SAYA, THE PLOT AND THE COVER OF THIS FANFIC. ANYWAY, I hope you enjoy this new FANFIC as much as I did writing it :3 Also, as always there will be spelling and grammar mistakes since english is not my first language. ANYWAY please don't forget to leave a note and comment if you had enjoyed it! Thank you for reading!

Chapter 1: Family

"Is she the one?" A voice said within the distance while I was trying to open my eyes. "Who are you?..." I mumbled. My eye lids slowly lifted but my vision was too blurry which made it hard to figure out who's the owner of the voice. But somehow, it felt familiar. "Seems like it." Another voice stated, the two figures were looking back and forth at me and between the two of them. "Well then, welcome home. Méllontas." Carefully, they reached their hands towards me with a big but creep smile as my vision was slowly becoming clear again.

"Stop!" I cried. What's going on? What is this? "Let me go!" As I scream and cry, the horror continued. It felt like there was no end to this nightmare.

"Saya..." hm?... is someone calling my name?

"Saya,wake up...Saya!"

Suddenly, my eyes shot open as I was greeted by my brother; Eric. The look on his face was filled with fear as if he saw some kind of monster in front of him. "Were you having that dream again?" He asked with that caring tone of his which it always bring a smile on my face. "Yeah, it was the same dream..." I mumbled, slowly sitting up from the bed while I felt Eric's hands on both sides of the shoulder. "Saya, you're in your Noah form again." He added, quickly pulling me into his arms before I could response. As I slowly bring my up one of my hands to see, "We have to move today. I'm sure they have already sensed this." I stated, before returning his hug tightly while my Noah skin slowly faded away before I was wearing my clear crystal like human skin again. "I wish I could stay in his embrace forever... where I feel safe..." I thought to my self...

But of course, nothing in life is perfect right? Especially being a Noah in this cruel world... there is no place to run, no place to hide. Soon, they will catch me. Soon... Even being the Noah of Future, I can only see a part of the future and that takes a lot of energy. But yet, of course I had not forgot the memory that lays within me. The memory of terror which happened that day.

Being the weakling I am, I thought of giving up. I see no point of running since after all they will find me. But my mind changed because of the words and promise my brother made with me. "You will be free. I promise." His words were foolish, so foolish that as time went by, I slowly believed it too. That I will one day be free.

"Eric, we need to go as soon as we can before they arrive. I can feel they are near." I stated, packing the little things that we have in our bags as quickly as I humanly could. "Alright, I'll go down to pay the bills. I will wait for you downstairs." He said softly before patting my head and made his way downstairs to the counter.

Eric's voice had always calm me when I feel nervous or scared. Each and every time, he was by my side. Oh how I wish time could last forever.

As soon as I finished packing my bags, I throw my long coat over my shoulder and pulling my hood up as I made my way out of the room and downstairs. "Eric, where are-!" I stopped half way as I could hear and feel the odd silence creeps up my spine. It was way too quiet for a bar, but there was no other way for me and Eric get out if I stood here. Slowly, the steps cracked at each of the steps I took before I was finally at the bottom of the stairs.

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