Misunderstanding's and Alarms

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The next two weeks were challenging. Alyssa had been a nightmare, and I mean literally. We had gotten into so many fights, and her behaviour was really starting to wear on me. I know she has been through a lot but it doesn't excuse her behaviour. It's like all that bonding we did, disappeared. She's distant. Every time I ask her to do something, she gives me so much attitude and storms off to her room. I was glad when mom offered to babysit. I needed some time out.

"Alyssa come on I need to drop you off !" I yell up the stairs. I sigh when I hear her heavy footsteps stomping down the steps. "Have you got everything?" She gives me a nod. " fine come on, I'll drop you off at moms and she'll drop you back tomorrow". I grab Alyssa's bag, before heading to the car to put it in. "You coming?" She nods following me out and getting in the passenger side.

The car ride was silent. Awkwardly silent, until I heard Alyssa's quiet sniffles. "What's wrong Lyss?" I glance at her, seeing her rubbing her eyes. "Nothing". I frown annoyed. Why is she being like this with me? Two weeks ago we were super close. Now she can barely look at me. I turn the engine off when I pull into moms driveway, before turning to her.

"Please tell me what's wrong?" I pleaded placing my hand on her knee. My heart broke when I saw her red puffy eyes. "I can't you don't care" she said glaring at me. "I don't care? Of course I care!". She let out a laugh. "No.you don't. You never have!".
I pinched the bridge of my nose. Where was all this coming from. "You know what? If I didn't care would I have taken you in?! No. Would I have spent the last month looking after you? No. Would I have put up with all your shit the past two weeks ?! No!" I shouted angrily. I didn't mean to shout, but this whole thing was really stressing me out.
"You only took me because you felt sorry for me! Don't pretend you didn't. I know you didn't want me!" She yelled.
"Fuck sake Alyssa! Of course I didn't want a kid at 21. My career is stressful enough without adding a kid into the mix. Why aren't you grateful?! Your being such a brat right now!!" I yelled again.
See. Your just like Patrick" I was stunned into silence as she threw open the door and ran into my moms house. "What the fuck did she mean by that?" I muttered to myself. I was debating going in to sort it with her. But knowing my own temper mixed with Alyssa's it's probably best I let us both cool down.

I felt incredibly guilty about our fight. I said some things I shouldn't have said.

I started the 20 minute drive back to my house. I only had a couple of hours before Wilmer was picking me up. I wasn't sure whether seeing Wilmer again was a good idea, but right now it made perfect sense. I needed a release and someone to vent to and I know Wilmer is the guy to do that with.


My minds been all over the place the past couple of weeks. Finding out my uncle who raped me was my father, sickened me.  The following days after I cut so bad. I nearly had to go to Demi for help. I cringed as I remembered the amount of cuts i now have on my body. My scratches on my face were fading, and my cast would be coming off in a few more weeks. The doctor said at my last appointment that it was taking longer to heal or something, so that's why I was having it on for longer.

I entered Diannas house relieved to see that only Maddie and Dallas were home. I raced upstairs into Demi's old room and locked the door. I was so mad at Demi right now. I may not have been the nicest the past two weeks but I had every reason to. I had hardly seen her, she was always working and I was always being palmed off on Marissa or Dallas or the rest of her family.

I missed her. I closed my eyes trying to stop more tears from falling. I couldn't allow myself to get anymore attached to Demi. She was going to leave me. I shook as the conversation I overheard came back to me.

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