Shopping and Bonding

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I groaned when I felt someone shaking me awake. "go away" I mumbled turning over in my bed. "Come on, get your lazy ass up!" I opened one eye to see a very chirpy looking Demi. "No. I'm tired" i closed my eyes again snuggling back into my warm bed. I shot up in shock when I was drenched in freezing cold water. "What the fuck!" I spat wiping my face. I glared at Demi who had an evil smirk on her face. " I tried waking you nicely, but that didn't work so I had to resort to plan B, get up and get ready, breakfasts ready" she didn't give me time to respond before she was walking out of the room.

I trudged down the stairs grumpily after I had taken a quick shower and thrown on some ripped skinny jeans and a band tee with a jacket. I didn't like mornings and the rude awakening had done very little to help my mood.  I entered the kitchen and the smell of eggs made me want to vomit.

"Finally!" Demi chuckled placing a plate of eggs and French toast on the counter in front of me. I just scowled plopping myself down in front of it.  Demi took her seat opposite me immediately tucking into her food. "So it's already ten, you gotta eat that quick okay? We've got a busy day!" She smiled at me.  I didn't reply I just carried on pushing the eggs around the plate. The thought of eating fried bread was making me sick. "Do you not like eggs?" I nodded gingerly placing some eggs into my mouth chewing it into a pulp before swallowing it. "I can't eat much when I first wake up" I lied.  I ate a few more mouthfuls before pushing the plate away.

"Alyssa you need to eat" I shook my head. " please Demi, you rudely woke me up like less than 20 minutes ago. I can't eat it" Demi stared at me for a few minutes before nodding. "Fine but your definitely eating lunch". I nodded relieved.  I cleared our plates away placing them in the dishwasher.
"Right are you ready?" Demi grinned grabbing her keys and purse from the island.  I was a little confused. Ready for what?
"Where are we going?" Demi was already marching to the door. "The mall babe, we need to get you some stuff you have hardly any clothes" I inwardly groaned.i didn't want to seem un grateful,but I hated shopping. The crowds. I felt like people were looking at me. I also didn't want Demi buying me stuff, I felt bad enough that I've disrupted her life.


"Demi really,I don't need anything" I repeated for the hundredth time as she pulled me into a store called hot topic. She rolled her eyes turning to me. "You need clothes. You have like 4 outfits." I sighed looking down. " I don't want you to waste your money on me" I muttered quietly.  " Honey, I'm not sure if your aware but I'm a millionaire. This definitely won't even make a dent in my bank balance" she gave me a smirk.

" Fine, thanks". I had a pretty good time with Demi. It wasn't as awkward as it was before. She was actually pretty cool. Although she bought me too much stuff. Hot topic was quickly becoming one of my favourite stores. They had so many band tee's.  I was dragged into so many stores by Demi. "Here what about this?" She grinned holding up a light blue dress. I frowned. " I wouldn't be seen dead in that Demetria" I smirked as her smile fell. "But you would look so cuteee" she whined.
"Not gonna happen dude" I sang smirking as I walked over to the SnapBack aisle. Now this was my zone. I looked through racks and racks of hats. "You wear a lot of them?" I jumped slightly when Demi snuck up behind. " Yeah, there my thing I guess" I smiled as Demi picked a red and black one out with music notes on and place it on my head. "Oh my gosh stay still!" She squealed. I immediately started freaking out thinking there was a spider on me or something.

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