Dr Callahan

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I felt awful. Lyssa was really sick. What I thought would be a quick meeting turned out to be longer than planned. My tour details needed finalising and they were booking me for a lot of performances for the next month. I couldn't help but feel stressed. What was I going to do with Alyssa? I glared a the CEO of island records. "Look, send me the rest of the details over via email. I'll finalise them later. I need to get Alyssa home".
I stood out of my chair grabbing my phone, not even glancing at the others in the room. My priority now was my little sister.

Alyssa was hacking into her arm as I entered the room, her eyes red. "Oh sweetheart" I cooed sitting next to her trembling body. She looked even smaller if that was possible. Child like. Her eyes filled with tears as she climbed into my lap. "My h-head h-hurts" she stuttered her voice cracking.

"I know, come on let's get you home. You need to sleep". I effortlessly lifted her, smiling as her arms and legs wrapped around my body. "S-Sorry for ruining your m-meeting" Lyssa mumbled into my neck. "Shhh you didn't."

Once we got home I immediately carried her upstairs into my room, placing her onto the bed before running off to grab some clothes for her. "Baby lets get you into some comfy clothes" she hummed in agreement. I smiled sliding her shoes off and my jacket, tossing them aside. As I started to pull her hoodie off she suddenly jumped away from me. "N-No...I-I do it" I frowned. "I'm your sister, I'm not going to judge you" I chuckled slightly reaching for her hoody. She frantically shook her head. "No!". She grabbed the clothes and headed into the bathroom.

I shook my head slightly at the strange reaction. I headed to my closet and grabbed some sweats quickly changing into them, tossing my clothes in the hamper. I settled myself on the bed scrolling through my phone as Lyssa came back. Sweats on. With her hoody. "Baby you have a fever, you probably shouldn't wear the hoody". Alyssa shook her head climbing into bed. "I'm cold" she sighed snuggling up to me falling asleep immediately.

Grant the CEO of  island records had forwarded me the details so i had spent the last hour sorting through my diary and adding my commitments. It was crazy. The next month was going to be crazy, I barely had anytime off. When I finished I looked down at Alyssa who's head was leaning on my thigh. Her breathing was wheezy, and she kept coughing. I was glad she had antibiotics otherwise she would definitely be going to the doctors office.

"Mommy.." She whimpered her hair stuck to her forehead. I felt sad for her. At twelve years old she had no mother and no father. I can't even imagine what I would do if something happened to my mom. I'd be devastated. I guess I was Alyssa's motherly figure slash sister. I pushed her hair back off her forehead, frowning. She had a really high fever. "D-Demi" she choked her eyes flickering. "Hey baby, I'm here" I smiled as she sat up a little rubbing her eyes. "I don't feel well". My heart broke for her as her bottom lip wobbled. "I know, I got some Advil babe, you need to take them, will make your head feel better and take your fever down" I handed her the pills and a bottle of water.
I watched her wince as she swallowed. "Sore throat?" I asked placing the water back down. "Mmhm" she whispered her head falling onto my arm.

"Try sleep again okay?" I didn't even need to finish, Lyssa was softly snoring. I chuckled laying her down next to me. I really do hope she is better soon, because I wasn't sure how I was going to care for her around my schedule. I pulled my MacBook onto my lap, time to look for schools.

I didn't realise how exhausting looking for schools were. At first I was looking at high schools. Until I was informed by one of the receptionists at Maddie's school that I needed a middle school not a high school.i had been left slightly red faced when I put down the phone. The only problem is, we live in Sherman oaks. And there were hundreds of schools. Some being technology and maths magnets. After 4 hours of searching and reading through school websites. I found one. It wasn't too far away, so Alyssa could easily get the school bus if I wasn't available. Walter Reed middle school.  They had a great policy on anti bullying and offered a range of extra curricular activities.

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