Chapter One:

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"The rain beats down on the sad town in the grey and boring country of England." I laughed, putting my hair up while Cyndi fixed her makeup. We were FaceTiming while we got ready for school.

"I heard there's new guys" she said, touching up the edges. "Ugh, I look ugly" she added, pulling a face at the mirror infront of her. I rolled my eyes.

"You look cute, Cameron is going to have a situation in Aussie land when he sees you." I laughed, fixing my tie. "I heard from Jessica that they got kicked out of their school in Romania" I giggled. There had been rumours spreading around in our group chat about these boys.

"I heard they're really hot" she smirked, causing us both to laugh. I honestly couldn't care about the boys as they probably won't notice me, they'll notice Cyndi but not me.

"Like they'll even notice me, no body does. I'm, like, invisible or something" I said, putting my notebook into my bag. She rolled her eyes with a smile and fixed her hair.

"You're not invisible, you just don't speak up enough" she said.

"I've gotta go, I'll text ya" I said, noticing the time. I had to go and get on a bus.

"Kk, bye boo" She said before hanging up. I put my coat on and rushed out to the bus stop. I don't normally rush but I felt something following me. I heard it following. It's fast, really  fast. It's not human, I don't know what it is, but I saw it. Whatever it is. It's like a bear, but no bears live here. I don't get it, it's louder than the music in my headphones but nobody else hears it. I felt it's breath on my neck, and it smelt like a dog, a wet dog. Like a wolf. But wolves aren't that big, I'm hallucinating. I must be...


The word rang in my head, a very distinct voice. I tried to ignore it. I tried to turn my music higher and block it out, but it was strong. Way stronger than anything human. It wasn't human, I could feel it.

I know you know I'm here.

"Get out of my head" I muttered, waiting for the bus. God, I just wish whatever this is would piss off, Mondays are annoying enough.

I know you know I was following you.

"What do you want" I demanded, muttering it under my breath.

I like torturing you.


You like to know the story behind everything, and now you won't. You can't.

The bus pulled up and I got on.

If you sit at the back up stairs, I'll tell you more.

I had a strong urge to sit where they told me to but it felt like a trap and I like feeling in control so I sat at the front instead. I'm not gonna let him run my life.

*Calum's pov*

"I can't believe you followed her" Michael laughed as we approached the school. This was gonna be our place for a while.

"Dude, you don't understand, I can't leave her." I explained, watching as her bus pulled up and she got off.

"Yeah yeah, the whole imprinting thing" he waved me off as Luke and Ashton approached. "Just go up and talk to her"

"She'll be scared, but you've caught her attention" I rolled my eyes, watching as she nervously rushed into the building, accidentally bumping into someone as they ran past her. They didn't even apologise.
Next thing I know, I was joking him up by his shirt against the wall, holding m fist back.
"You think that's okay? Running around and hitting people like they're nothing" I said angrily. What the hell am I doing?! I saw the way she ducked her head and moved faster after he hit her. It made me mad, I gotta get this under control!
Luckily Michael pulled me off the guy before anything else could happen.
"Dude, he didn't do anything" Michael said as the boy ran away.
"I don't know what happened, I have to get out of here" I muttered, running out of the school yard without giving anyone and explanation. I can't do this...
I have to get out of here....
I have to get away from her....

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