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Hi,I am Evi.I am a 16 year old teenage girl.I am not like the other girls at my school...I am different but in a bad way.

I don't like pink or makeup or I don't know... going shopping like a normal girl,I like creepy things,dark places,black t-shirts,demons but I have an addiction,I like to harm myself.

Cuts.Bruises.Bite marks.
Anything that will hurt me,you may ask why I like that and its simple;the pain takes my mind off things.

Sometimes I wish I'd die.I think I try committing suicide for the 5th time this month,ahh why do people try so hard to keep me alive when I just want to get this done.

I like my bruises they define my personality:can be colorful at the start but can get very dark and painful as you get to know me better.My cuts say all the things that I regret. My veins are always itchy and when that happens I like to bite them.

I dont have friends since I killed my best friend in 8th grade.Yes I am psychotic that I did that but I did it for a reason,she lied to me,she lied that she will tell me everything,she lied when she told me she was ok.But she wasn't.


Her name was Charlie,and she had a disease that nobody can escape it.Cancer.

When it all started she pretend that she was fine but she would often wear beanies to hide what she had left of her hair.

She would miss a lot of the classes and since she was my only friend I felt so lonely while she was suffering in the hospital,but when she was at school everyone would make fun of us,expecially of her and the way she looked.I would always ask her why she didn't came but she would tell me stupid excuses.

After school she used to come over at my place and we would smoke some cigarettes together and listen to some good punk bands.But because she had cancer she stopped smoking...

She told me that her mother didn't let her smoke anymore witch to me was strange because her mother would let her do whatever she wanted to.

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