I want to get this done

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Next morning the nurses were shocked by what they have seen,a girl crowled to the dead body unplugged.

Her mother tought and to this day thinks that I've killed Charlie.I wasn't alowed at her funeral because of that.After that ended ,I went to visit her grave,she always complained that I wore to much black every day and she would often tell me that I would look good in more colorful clothes.So in honor of her I went with a nice blue & green with yellow and red spotted dress.I broth her some rock that I had been painting,and a picture of us so I could remember how she looked before,with her purple hair and blue eyes.

She was so happy she was a sunbeam.

She would always make you feel special around her.

After her death I was a psychotic murderer to other people.I never got out of the house.I was always stoned ,had no one to talk to.When I wanted to talk to Charlie,I would wait till 5 am and I will sneak in to the hospital room where Charlie died ,and talk to her through an ouija board.Only then I was a little "happier".

When I was sad I always visited her grave.I would spend most of my time in the graveyard.Its been almost an year since Charlie died,I dropped out of school with serious anxiety,then the suicide attempts began.I didn't want to live anymore...

I had nothing to live for.

My first attemp was on april 2nd,Charlies birthday,I wanted to die so bad just so I could be forever with her.My plan was to jump off the hospital,ahh those stupide nurses called 911 ,the police and fierfighters came and got me off of the roof.I tried cutting myself till I bleed to death,silly me it didn't feel like death at all.

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