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We were not talking as much as we use to and we became distant from each other ,I would see her rearly and looking worse and worse,she was pail just like a cold night of winter,she was really skinny to the point that if she would do anything she would risk to break a bone.

I was worrying for her,I was her only friend she knew that she could talk to me if something was wrong.
One day in a class break,I spotted Charlie.She looked like if she was dead.
She looket at me whith no soul.

I could see that she is holding herself from crying,so I went to give her a warm hug.She was so cold,cold as ice.With her skinny arms around me she lean on to my body.She passed out.I started panicking as her homeless body was on me.The teacher quikly called her mother and 911.

I was horrified.I went to the hospital with her;in that day I found out that she had cancer.And she was hiding that from me.She had it since the beginning of the second semester.

From that day on my life was so messed up ,I couldn't sleep at night,at school I would get weird looks,my grades were so bad.I was depressed...I stopped eating.I would skip school just so I could avoid the mean comments and to visit Charlie every day at the hospital.She was weak because of the drogs they had given her so she won't feel the pain from the chemotherapy.

Usually when I would come she would be asleep,deep asleep I would talk to her even though she probably didn't hear a thing.I hate seeing her suffering.She lost all her hair and happiness little by little.

When I was visiting her I would bring her little things to show her that I care:dead animals,dried flowers,cigarettes,painted rocks,things that she used to like when we hang out.

Good days.

I would get bullied very much at school.I started having phobias and worst, anxiety.I would just sit in a corner thinking of my life and why did God chose me for this shit.

I never wanted to sign up for this,and that's when everything started to get terrible:I got a call it was midnight about 4:56 am,I answer the phone sleepy when I heard my angels voice,a beautiful voice that I haven't heard from for months ,it was Charlie.She wanted me to come quick at the hospital.I arrived at 5am ,I ran all the way because she told me it was an emergency and she needed me.

I stopped to pick some dandelions for her,when I got to her room I opened the door slowly and the first thing I saw was her face smiling at my stupid tired one.

She was so beautiful,she was shining through the darkness of the room,I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.She waved at me to get closer,so I did,next to her bed was a chair,I sat on it.She holds my hand and looked at me in the eyes closely ,analyzing me.

She said that she wanted me to be there when she dies.With that words said,I started crying.She was looking to me but suddenly she wasn't looking just at me she was looking through me.

She died.

I unplugged her so that she wouldn't be able to come back to this miserable life,I crawled next to her in  bed hugging her for the last time.

Her body was so pure.I closed her eyes so she could rest.

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