Blue Bear-1

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Here's the first chapter. There's no prologue because I don't think there's any need for one. Plus, if I wrote chances are I would spoil the entire story. But If you read the description than you'll understand the what happens within the story. Until then leave any thoughts of yours in the comments and vote it you like. :)

"I'm dying, there's nothing I can do but accept it" I repeated those words over and over in the mirror. I smiled trying to kept my composure. But it hard, especially when your reminded everyday. Today I was missing school yet again for another doctors appointment. There was no trying to look red carpet best.

I was going to be stuck in a solid colored, cold hospital with other sick kids. This was a constant reminder of how life sucks. How cancer sucks.

   My name is Constance Turner by the way. My mother and father always called me Connie. I never really liked the name but who was I to say. My mom owns a restaurant called Charlie's, and my dad was an attorney. I had dog named Lady who was actually a boy. Don't ask

   I'm currently sixteen. But my birthday was in about a month. Every since I was diagnosed with cancer three years ago birthdays were just another day to me. Tears suddenly rolls down my face. Reminiscing about how happy I was before always brought tears in my eyes which I was never in.
I had fucking Leukemia.  I never asked to have cancer. I never longed it.

   I didn't have a choice!Nobody who have cancer had one! I slam my palms against the counter wincing at the pain. "Honey are you ready" my mother asked knocking softly.She probably was waiting behind the door for me. Listening.

  "I'll be out in a minute" I wiped away my tears. I never cried in front of my parents. Ever. I didn't want them to know this was affecting me and I was sad. Even though it clearly showed.

   I slipped my hair into a small bun since my hair wasn't as long as it used to be, and walked out the bathroom to see my mother sitting down on my bed.

"Connie you took forever in there are you okay? "

I nodded walking past her. " About a year and half ago the doctors told me I was clear of cancer. My whole family was happy. Especially me, because now I didn't have to carry that heavy oxygen tank around.  Until a couple of months I was asked to get another check up. Then the doctors told me the cancer was back. Sh!t

"Hey dad I said walking into the kitchen. I quickly hovered over the counter trying to catch my breath. The stairs always had me winded. I felt like I climbed the Eiffel Tower or something.

   I ate my breakfast that was laid out for me and headed out for the door. As I walk out my house saying bye to lady I notice my annoying neighbor Adeline who was always in everyone's business watering her garden. It seem she was always out there lurking.

"Constance, oh darling how are you doing?" I rolled my eyes. Fine I yelled nonchalantly. God she was annoying. She always brought cookie's, and other baked goods over to me;  like in seconds I was going to take my last breath.

"Be nice my" mom mouthed. I narrowed my eyes before getting in the car. The ride to the hospital was quiet and quick. I was just glad I didn't have to hear my mother give me a pep talk and boost my spirits up telling me everything would be find.

   Of course we were early I thought as we reached the hospital. I walked into the icy cold building and took a seat while my mother and father talked to the medical receptionist. I scan the child filled room. My parents sat behind me next to the wall. Thanks mom and dad for your hospitality

After sitting there alone for about ten minutes I felt a presence. I looked up from my book a was reading to see a guy sitting next to me. He had all black and and wore some laced up combat boots.That was common is Beaufort. Jeez he must not be from around here. No one dressed like that.

   I ignored the fact that his aroma was incredible. It was all that you smelt, nothing else but his vanilla like scent mixed with rustic Mexican cologne. You know the one you always smell on them. Not to be prejudice or anything

"You've been on the page for about ten minutes now" His voiced startled me. I looked up to be met with his dark eyes filled with emptiness. " It's nun of your concern, maybe I was rereading it." I tried to sound calm but it came off harsh.

   Before he could say anything the doctor came out yelling my name. Constance Turner. I quickly got up collecting my things. " Good luck Constance" He Smirked

I quickly walked off entering his office.

    What a weird guy. I wonder what he was doing in a hospital. He looked perfectly fine. But who am I to judge, Nobody would know I had stage 2 cancer. 


   I sat near the window in my bedroom. It's been hours since I left the hospital. My parents gave their distance and didn't bother me. I was to overwhelmed. His words replayed over and over in my head. "Your daughters cancer has advanced. I'm sorry but she now has stage three cancer."

   I hug my blue bear that I had since I was three, tighter. I cried. I will admit I cried. I tried going to sleep but I was constantly getting headache all night my stomach was in knots. Probably because I skipped dinner. I carefully walked down stairs into the kitchen.

   My mother made spaghetti and meatballs which she knew was my favorite. I grabbed me a plate and sat at our kitchen Island alone. Lady comes and sits under my seat. She always followed wherever I went. She was always there to comfort me. I slipped him a meatball. He ate it so graciously.

   I could barely finish my meal. I was hoping that I didn't have to go to school Tomorrow. I mean my mother did say this will be my last week. I was sick and need to rest. Homeschooling was my only option.

   I was going to miss high school. Even though I was a loner,  I'm going to miss the obnoxious students. Suddenly I heard car doors slamming starling me. I got up and went to the window in our living room. Across from my house their was someone walking in the driveway. I squinted a bit and finally realized who I was looking at. It was the boy from earlier at the hospital

. I quickly move away from the window and sat on the couch. Oh no, the weirdo is going to be living across from me. Great

Constance, The Dying GirlWhere stories live. Discover now