"Im a vampire"4

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" So, how are you doing?" He ask. I roll my eyes and leaned back into the bed. The bed that many minorities have sat on to be examined by this doctor.

" I'm fine." I say. I've know Dr.Mason for years now. He's basically like family. Ever since I was a child he's been taking care of me.

" No no, it's time to be honest. Have you been feeling light headed? Maybe we should proscribe you with more-

" Dr Mason I'm fine. I'm just here for normal check up." I stern. Sometimes he would act like my father rather than a doctor. It's that ten years bond we've had that made us practically family.

He smiles than began my regular check up routine.

" I want ice cream. I hate coming to this dreadful place." I said getting into the car. My dad smiles shut my door.

" Honey it's for your own good. Honestly this is helping you. Let them do what they do best. Keep some people alive much longer."

I roll my eyes.

" Dad my dying ! Obviously they aren't doing there job right. Dad their not God , they can't do everything." I spat

" Just face the fact you won't have a daughter anymore!" I leaned back on the chair. I felt like I was going to pass out.

I stopped to catch my breath jeez that took a lot of energy. I glance I my dad who was staring at the air vent and was tightly gripping the wheels.

I groan. " I'm sorry, it's just been a long day."


I missed school today. I honestly didn't care since it was Friday. I was just ready to get home. Larissa called earlier. Apparently she's doing fine and said she felt like going out tonight.

Usually I would past. But I felt like going out, being stuck inside this house only reminded me of death and Zachary.

Those two don't mix. So I took up her offer, there's this teen pub outside of town that's called Coolio , every kid in school attended during weekends. I've actually never been, but it's said if you go you'll have lots of fun.

But I'm tired. I laid down in bed and ended up taking a nap.


"Oh come on please. Maybe you can introduce me to some of your high school friends." I ignore her while I grab some of my things.

" Please Zach!" She whined for ten minutes straight until I finally gave in. I couldn't take her whining any much longer. She's like a bug that won't go away.

" Fine, but please no blood sucking. " I said grabbing the rest of my clothes. I still had some items at my fathers house I needed to collect. I never had the chance until today.

" Yay, pick me up at 8" she kisses my cheek before running out of my room and own stairs.

Well it isn't my room, anymore. Gosh it felt weird being here. I sat down on the bed and stared down at the wooden floors.

Suddenly there was a knock. I looked up to see my mother standing by the doorway.

My body quickly tenses. I haven't seen her in months. She still looked the same. Beautiful with auburn long hair.

Constance, The Dying GirlWhere stories live. Discover now