Red Eyes-2

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"Did you hear about Tori and Ryan?" She squeaked. I took a bite of my carrot rolling my eyes. I never knew about anything that goes around in school.

I was antisocial.Actually its because people didn't want to be around me. I remember last year when I shaved off my hair. That really freaked people out.

"No of course I haven't" I said. It was very loud in here. Usually we would sit outside on the grass while the warm sun soaked us up. Well today is was raining, hard. To be honest today's weather matched my mood. Gloomy and cold.

" Did you hear me?" She says grabbing my hand. I was distracted staring behind her outside the huge glass window. I caught myself following someone.

He dressed as though he was the dark Vader. He seemed familiar like someone I've dreamt about. He walks through the rain as if its not there. I can't see his face. The glass is blurry. But he catches my eye. It's rare.

" Who or what are you looking at?" Larissa ask turning to see what's behind her. She gives me a confused look.

" Nothing I need to use the restroom." I say getting up. "Umm I'll be right back"

I rushed out the lunch room and quick as my legs could. I just needed to see who it was. I was drawn but also confused. I'm the type of person to find answers instead of being clueless. I walk down the empty hallway heading God knows where.

But somehow my mind drew its self toward the library. I entered the quiet room scanning for the man in black. The door slams behind me causing me to jump. I maintain myself, passing through many shelves. It was dim, probably because outside was. Nobody seemed to be here.

Not even the librarian. Suddenly I heard a loud thud. If I said I wasn't scared I would be lying. I began hearing movement behind me, but when I turn nothing's there. " Who's in here?" I asked.

I hear breathing. I feel a presence. I turn back around to see the man in black in front of me. I yelp in shock. I didn't even hear him come up behind me. He's dry. As in completely dry as if he wasn't showering in the rain earlier.

" You were watching me, why?" He asks. At that moment I realized who he really was. He's he guy at the doctors. He was the guy who I seen at the house across from me.

"I -I don't  know. I was intrigued." I say. I take a step back trying to get some space between us. He steps forward.

"By me walking into a building? I wonder what television shows your intrigued by. Your watch list is probably boring as shit." He says. He sounds so proper and nonchalant.

" Ho- How are you dry I just seen-

" Don't follow me anymore." He says before turning on his heels. And in a split second he was gone. 'He walks pretty fast' I thought.

I mean I didn't mean to follow him. It's like something erupted in me. I couldn't control my curiosity. I left the library and back to the lunch.

I spotted Larissa sitting at the same spot. She looked annoyed. I honestly didn't mean to leave her here by herself.

She seen me and automatically rolled her eyes. She was scolding at me. I gave her an apologetic look. " Sorry I got caught up" I say once I reach the table.

"Connie I was worried" She exclaims. I sat down trying to catch my breath.

" I know I'm sorry. I ended up conversing with my friend" I say.

Constance, The Dying GirlWhere stories live. Discover now