Chapter 1. This Is Just The Begining

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"Move over runt" My mother said firmly as she shot me a sharp look as she took a swig of her wine. I grabbed my pre-algebra homework and moved over to the ripped couch in the corner of our 2 bedroom apartment. My name is Madeline Zaira ,I'm 13,and go to Cameron Junior High School in Manhattan, New York.  I live with my mother, who is a raging alcoholic.
Things weren't always this way though. When I was 6 my father had died. He was a brave man and kind to everyone ,even his inferiors. My father became the breadwinner of the home after an unplanned pregnancy changed my families life. After I was born on December 19, 2003, my father had to start working another job. He originally worked at a office as a secretary but he wasn't bringing  in enough money to pay rent, so he got a job at the police station. My father one August morning while at work got a report of a robbery at Gold,a local jewelry pawn shop. He responded to the call and My Father, Officer Franklin, and Officer Douglas ran to the scene where to masked men where robbing the place dry. They refused arrest and as my Father called for backup him, Officer Douglas, and Officer Franklin were gunned down and killed. Ever since  then mom has had a hard time coping, so she turned to alcohol for a crutch to lean on, she started becoming less than a memory to me. Her addiction spiraled out of control as we never spoke anymore and I become the adult of the house having to keep everything in order.

Dang, the clock read 6:10 AM I rushed across the room to my bedroom. My room was distastefully decorated and smelled of dust and lemon pledge. I only had a small dresser and bed. I walk over to the dresser with peeling paint and splintery wood. I opened the top drawer and pulled out a cream colored blouse with floral patterns. I've been saving this shirt for a special day, and today was that day, today is my 13th birthday not like anyone would remember. I then found a pair of faded black jeans with holes in the knees. After I'm dressed I walk into the small bathroom and start to brush my long locks of tangled Amber hair. When no knots where left I looked at my eyes they had bags under them, but then I saw my eyes they were hazel with a hint of green, just like my grandmother. She was the only person who truly cared about me. I then pick up my only pair of shoes, teal Nikes with the logo faded off from years of use, they also had holes in the bottom.

I look at the clock it was 6:25 AM. I had to leave to get to the subway in order to get to school. I grabbed my old book bag and shoved my folder into it and picked it up in a hurry. "Bye Mom" I yelled before I left, but her response was just incoherent mumbling. As I opened the door I feel piercing cold wave of air coming from the winter sky, it was bitter yet charming. I looked from the stairs of the apartment complex and saw a sea of New Yorkers flooding the streets. I walk quietly to he subway station on the slippery, icy sidewalk trying not to make eye contact with anyone. I enter the stuffy, musty smelling station and get onto train #6 that would take me to Cameron Junior High School. As I enter the train and stand holding onto the pole in the middle of the train, when I felt eyes burning a hole through the back of my head. I  knew who was looking at me when I heard a snorted laugh and a group laughing directly afterwards. I tried not to turn around but I couldn't help but let a tear escape. I turn around and I saw her.

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