Chapter 4. The Stranger

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I'm floating. There is nothing else around its just me floating in this bitter cold water. It feels familiar, like I've known this feeling all my life. I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in the middle of storm waters, no land in sight, but i can hear blood curdling screams coming from the distance. I attempt to move my body to look for the source of the screams, but i cant, something about this storm feels safe. 

My eyes bolt open and I'm laying on a beach, an old beach at that. Trash is everywhere, but the weirdest part is that I'm no longer sleeping and right in front of me is the exact ocean from my dream. "Are you alright?" I hear an unknown voice speak. Then a boy with brown hair, and soft green eyes approaches me, his clothes look tattered like he had been attacked by a lion, he also looked to be just a few years younger than me possibly about 9. "I'm Malachi, I pulled you out of the ocean are you alright?" he repeated. "Yes, but how did I get here? Where am I? I fell asleep in my bedroom and dreamed about an ocean then I woke up here." I said almost out of breath. Malachi began to speak "I'll explain once we get somewhere safe." He grabbed my arm and led me towards a small underground bunker. "Now, this place is called Stowers. It is ruled by our corrupt government, you got here by a spirit crystal." "Wh-What are spirit crystals?" I asked shakily. "Spirit crystals are the reason I'm here alone, It all starts with a story. Once every 6 years the government is assigned to guard 2 crystal half's. Legend has It that one day the crystals will send us a warrior to fight along side our people and defeat the Keyshawns . A Keyshawn is a creature that the government engineered to keep us all from rebelling. But the crystals chose you and I to overthrow the government. There is 17 keys that the Keyshawns guard, we need to get scrolls from the government building to find hints to the whereabouts of the keys. Once we get all 17 keys, they will join together to form a weapon to win." "wow" I said with a dumbstruck expression. "Well" Malachi stared " That's a lot to take in you should get some sleep." With that he led me to a bed as I fell asleep.

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