Chapter 2. Torture

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I turn around and see the most popular girl in my grade, Jenna Harrisson and her group of wannabes. Her face was screwed up laughing at my tear stained face. "Look at little miss poor girl pretending like the world is to hard for her." Snickered Jenna then all of her stupid friends started laughing to. As the subway screeched to a stop she walked past me and pushed my bag out of my hands, this happened often as Jenna found happiness in making others hurt. I pick up my bag and the concrete floor of the station had ripped a "L" shaped hole in my bag,Cohen I lifted up my bag everything spilled out. I rush around trying to gather my papers together. I walk out of the station and immediately start my way to school. I check the clock on top of the light pole and it read 7:17 AM, I WAS LATE FOR HOME ROOM!

I ran down the street as fast as I could, weaving my way through people. I bolted down 9th street, I was at school. By the time I reached the weather worn brick building I opened the freezing metal doors. I walk down the shoe scuffed hall way it was dimly lit and smelled of burning rubber and sweat. I enter the class room when my teacher, Mr. Johnson, gave me a stern angry look,"Madeline," he said "Please take your seat." I took my seat at the desk in the very back room as the class exploded into laughter. Except,for one person, Adam Carter. Yes, I admit it I did like him, but so did every other girl in school.

As the bell rang, signaling that it was time for me to go to gym class, I quietly walked out of the classroom to the gym. The gym was small and had a yellow and purple circle in the middle with a mustang in the middle, our school mascot, in this class was, you guessed it Jenna and Adam. Jenna had already told practically the ENTIRE school about her crush on Adam, but she knew that I liked him to, and she couldn't have that. Durning gym it was the same as always dodge ball. Boys VS Girls. Yes it was unfair but that didn't stop the teachers from doing it. When the game is finished (the boys won obviously) it was time for lunch.

But at lunch was the worst time for me as I had to sit alone on account of people not thinking to kindly of me and my poorness. As I sat down I heard a snake like voice over the microphone, it was Jenna because she was on student body she was supposed to make announcement at lunch, "I have an announcement everyone" she said with an evil grin and glare my way "Madeline Zaira likes Adam Carter!" She looked my way with a cunning grin. I was embarrassed as everybody looked at me, just a girl sitting alone at lunch. I couldn't help but to let a tear escape, but then more just came like a flood gate breaking open. I felt the sting of the tears in my eyes as I heard the laughter and anger of classmates I didn't know, but one gaze caught my eye it was Adam Carter; he gave me a knowing look as though he knew that I had liked him, but also as if he had liked me too.

I ran straight to my old locker once the ouch bell rang and there I saw a note stuck to my locker, it read "You better back off of Adam or I will make you sorry!" I recognized the hand writing as Jenna's. I was fed up with this, Jenna had made me suffer for long enough so I walked to her locker 5 away from mine and punched her squarely in the face.

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