Chapter. 3 The Box

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"OUCH!" Jenna screamed in her high pitched voice as she stumbled backwards to the ground her nose covered in blood. "YOUNG LADY COME YOUR COMING WITH ME!" Yelled our school officer Tim Douglas the son of Officer Douglas,the one who died with my dad. I did as I was told and he pulled me to the principals office, while the nurse tended to Jenna's bloody nose as she let out a few badly acted out wails.

When Jenna was bandaged up, She and I were sat across a table from each other with the school counselor, Mrs. Hudson a kind woman who had understanding eyes and a soft and welcoming smile. Next to her was our school principal Mr. Anderson, he was a short and pudgy man with wrinkled features and reseeding hair but he did wear a hair piece that looked very fake. He was sitting at his desk with his arms crossed. "What happened!" His voice boomed at me. "w...we...well I... I was sitting at lunch alone and Jenna went over the microphone and told everyone I liked Adam Carter" my voice was shaky as I blushed at my answer as I continue, " then I found a note taped to my locker, and it was Jenna's handwriting so I got upset and punched her in the face." I realized how bad I made that sound. "THATS NOT WHAT HAPPENED!" Jenna interrupted.

"I was just sitting at lunch and talking to Adam Carter, we had a good conversation, but once I got to my locker she walked up to me and threatened me and told me 'if you don't stop talking to Adam I will make you sorry', then she punched me in the nose!" Jenna lies through her teeth as she let out a fake wail of pain as though she had just figured out she had 2 weeks to live. "Well then," Principle Anderson began,"Madeline I'm sorry but we have no choice but to expel you, go clean out your locker and report back here for your parental guardian to pick you up." He said in a calm tone. "That's likely, Mom never leaves the house." I thought to myself.

I sat there dumbstruck for only a few moments when I realized it wasn't worth trying to fight back. I get up silently and walked gloomily down the hallway to my locker, it didn't have , much in it except for a few textbooks and candy wrappers. I clean all of it up and  go to the principals office. I see that they had already sent my mom a message but she wasn't there, the time was 12:30 school would end at 2:30. I waited in the office for what seemed like hours and they where it was officially 4:37 and my mother still hadn't picked me up. They just decided to release me to walk home.

Once I got out of the building I had to go to the post office. I rounded the corner and entered a dull room with lots of little metal boxes lining the walls. I found our family's box, box number 719 and opened it. I found 2 envelopes,one was the welfare check our family needed because mom has never had a job before, and a child protective services envelope which we never answer, but they're was also a little ornately decorated box in the back. It had shimmery gold wrapping paper and the box about the size of my hand, it had my name on it!

I walk home as fast as I can. When I get home mom is sitting on the couch passed out. I walk upstairs and examine the strange box, it did have my name on it but it also didn't have a return address. I start by unlacing the bow on top when I open the box I see a card. "Happy Birthday Madeline, From M.L.Z. They where the same initials as mine. But someone had remembered my birthday. Inside the box was a golden necklace with a small purple stone attached to it, it was shimmery. I fall back into my bed and began to bawl my eyes out, for once someone cared that it was my birthday, but I just didn't know who it was. About 10 minutes later my eyelids became heavy as I slipped off to sleep.

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