Chapter 3 (finally)

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you know the warnings... and this has been long and awaited for so here you go.... everything in italics are thoughts 

Feliciano's heart stops. H-he's gay? Why didn't he tell me? They separate and Ludwig gets up and tries to leave, but is stopped by Feli grabbing his jacket, "wait!" Feliciano yells, "y-you kis-" "shh, don't let people hear, i see how they treat you! I would never want to be treated like that! I don't see how you can handle this, all the laughing and- and the name calling, I-" "Who said I CAN handle it? Who says I don't cry myself to sleep at night? Who says I don't scratch at my own skin and wonder why I'm not good enough?" "Feli I-" "Like I said, don't even try to make me feel better, now get out of my room. I'll see you tomorrow in class." Ludwig sighs defeatedly. What's wrong with him? It was an honest mistake, wait is he crying? Ludwig turns around at the door and walks over to Feliciano and wraps his arms around him. "Don't cry, I'm here. I-" "Didn't I tell you to get out?" Feliciano stutters out through his hiccups. "I'm not leaving until you feel better." Feliciano sighs and cries into Ludwig's shoulder. Ludwig hums a German lullaby into Feli's ear completely lulling him to sleep. What do I do? He's asleep, I can't move... should I just stay with him? Ludwig decides against it and tries to get up but is stopped by a half asleep Feli. "No. Stay." "What if I get in trouble?" "Please luddy." "Did y-" "yes, now sleep." Ludwig sighs and takes his T-shirt off and so does feliciano. Wow he's so muscular, why can't I look like that? He should take his pants off too. Wait no stop. Feliciano shakes off the thought and makes enough room on the bed for the two of them.

*next morning*

Feliciano's alarm goes off at 6:00 A.M., and feli opens his eyes and turns the alarm off. He tried to get out of bed but noticed arms around him. What the hell! Wha- oh. "Ludwig, get up." "Why, breakfast isn't until 7, I-" "do you want to get caught, no ones awake, if you go now no one will see you if you leave now." "Oh right, I'll go." Ludwig gets up and leaves, without his shirt. Great, what should I do? I can't just hand it to him in the hall, or mention it in front of everyone. Next time we meet after school. Feliciano gets up and goes into the bathroom. Everyone takes their showers at night here, mainly because they are too lazy to get up so early in the morning. Feliciano takes advantage of this because last time he showered at night, something happened.

*flash back*

"Hey queer, if you see so many naked guys why aren't you turned on?" "Maybe because I don't like any of you guys. I-" "you saying I'm ugly?" "No, I-" "you shouldn't be showering with boys anyways," the bully turns to the other boys, "you never know what Pervy stuff he'll do!" All the boys start yelling things at him that it's almost inaudible. That was until Lovino walked in. Everyone turns quiet. "Maybe if you weren't homo, people would like you." Everyone laughs and Feliciano grabs his towel and runs into his room.

*end of flashback*

Later in first period, Feliciano is about to walk in, but notices, wait, is that? Why is here? He looks up at the clock. I'm 30 minutes early? In the classroom is Dr. Yao, Lovino, Antonio, Mr. Braginski, Alfred, Kiku, Francis, Arthur, Gilbert, and Matthew. What are they all doing here? Feliciano walks in and Lovino gets up, "Fratello, get out!" "No no, let him stay," Francis says in his thick French accent, " you can sit by me." And he winks. "Hey frog, i'm right here." Arthur yells. "Awe is the black sheep jealous?" "I thought i told you not to call me that!" Arthur rolls his eyes. "Well, i think you should join us, you'd fit right in." Mr. braginski says signaling for feliciano to come in. He walks in confused on whats going on. "So, what's going on here?" Feliciano asks quietly. "Well, Mr. Vargas, this is a support group, but more like getting to know people.. How should i phrase this.. Just like you" "Wait, that means... I was right!" "What are you talking about dude?" Alfred says. "Lovino! You are gay!" "Woah there queer, wait a minute.." "Lovino, you can stop acting now. It's not like he going to tell your parents, but if he does, they won't believe him." Antonio says to the angry Italian. "How come no one told me about this?" Feliciano says. "Well Feliciano, you are either recommended or you find out about it. Ivan and I decided to start this little group to help the gay students, since, well we're gay." Mr. Braginski puts his arm around Dr. Yao, "please get off me." "So this is basically gay club? Feliciano sarcastically says. "Well, I guess, welcome to the clue dude!" Why are Americans so weird.

*cut to class*

Feliciano sits in his chair reading some book that his English teacher is making him read. Everyone slowly comes into the classroom. Dr. Yao comes over to feli. "So, how are you and our new student getting along?" Feliciano looks up from his book, hands starting to sweat. "We're friends I guess." Feli says trying to hide his and Ludwig's now "secret" relationship. Dr. Yao smirks and walks away just as Ludwig approaches his seat. "Guten morgen, Feliciano." Ludwig smiles, remembering the night before. "Buongiorno, Ludwig." "Call me Lud, ja?" "Si.. okay, Lud." A classmate comes over and slams his hands on Feliciano's desk. "Can you please keep the gay to yourself, I don't want to catch your disease, freak." What is with these kids, nothing is wrong with my Feliciano. Ludwig stands up and gets in the bully's face, "Why don't you keep your trash opinion to yourself!" "Standing up for the faggot now, what are you a fag too?" Feliciano looks up at Ludwig, eyes full of worry, guilt, and slight pain. "I- I-" "come on tough guy, you know how to talk, right?" "Fuck it!" Ludwig grabs Feliciano and slams his lips into his. Everyone looks over and gasps. They separate and look into each other's' eyes. Feliciano starts tearing up and runs out of the classroom embarrassed and terrified. Why would he do that? I get bullied enough already! It's just going to get worse now! Feliciano keeps running until he runs into someone in the hall. "Sorry, wait... you're in the club, right?" "Oh yeah, I am." "What's that club all about anyways?" "Well, going to an all boys school and being gay, we all have our troubles. So, Arthur and Francis went to Dr. Yao and Mr. Braginski about starting a support group. I joined along side my boyfriend Gilbert, who is Ludwig's older brother."

"Birdie come here, it's important" Gilbert yells telling Matthew to come over. "What is it? Oh hey Francis." "Mattie! I have good news" "That's a first." "Oui, I spoke with Dr. Yao and we've decided to start a support group and since you guys are both gay, I thought you would like to join, us. Arthur is also in it. We meet Wednesday." "what do you think Gil?" Matthew hesitatingly asked. "I think it would be fun! Let's go!"

*end of flashback*

"It was quite fun actually, I finally related to people. Before Gil, I felt like no one could see me. People would sit on me and pretend I didn't exist. Alfred, my younger brother, would also ignore me. He told me that no one could see me, but the club brought us together. After we were both in the group, we got along better, I had people who i related to. People.... Who cared." Matthew smiles at Feliciano, "you should go back to class, Dr. Yao gets angry" Matthew walks away and feliciano walks to class, stopping at the door. I'm in so much trouble, what if everyone laughs at me?

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