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"So those two jerkheads are alphas?" I asked Scott.

"Basically. Yeah."

"And they merge into one huge alpha?" I asked Isaac who was walking beside me.

"Yeah. Which does not look pretty in personal." Isaac says.

"I don't plan on seeing it." I said, opening my locker, getting some books and shutting it close. Isaac was still there. Leaning on the lockers.

"You don't have to guard me all day." I said.

"That's not your decision to make." Isaac stated.

"Then who's decision it?" I asked him, "Mine." He said, looking at me.

"Yours?" I chuckled and added, "Yeah like I'm going to listen to you."

"Hey hot stuff." Someone accidentally or purposely brushed his hand on my backside. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

I turned around and saw it was one of the twins. He winked and smiled at me. This made Isaac furious and went up to him and grabbed him by the shirt, "Lay a finger on her again and I will gladly rip your throat out." Isaac angrily said.

"Isaac! Stop it!" I said to Isaac. I held his shoulder, but he looked at me with gold eyes and growled. "Isaac..." I whispered.

"Woah woah woah. What's going on here?" Scott cut in and ripped Isaac's arms on the alpha.

The alpha smirked and walked away with his twin. Scott took Isaac into an empty classroom. "Isaac, don't let them get to you. Last thing we want is exposing ourselves. They're just messing with you. They're meant to be a distraction." Scott says.

"He touched her." Isaac said lowly.

"Isaac!" I called him out.

"From now on, Isaac will be with you, to prevent from one of the alphas kidnapping you again. No more being stubborn alright?" Scott says.

"Fine." I sighed. "I gotta get to class, you too." Scott kissed me on the forehead and left.

"You heard the brother. I get to be with you all day." Isaac walked up to me.

"I bet you're mentally thanking Aiden for laying a finger on me." I said.

"Slight. But I didn't like that." He said, inches away from me.

"God, I can take you right here." Isaac growls lowly.

"Then what's stopping you?" Our faces were now extremely close.

He smirked, "Nothing." He kissed me, lifting me up in the process. Setting me down on the desk.

Just then, the bell rang.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" Isaac says to me.

"Yeah sure." I said, Isaac kissed my forehead before leaving.

I left the room as well and went to my first class, french.


》 Scott

"All right, since inertia is a subject of which you all know plenty, why don't we start with "momentum"? Mr. Harris says while writing on the board.

"They're here for a reason." Isaac whispered.

"Give me a chance to figure it out before you do anything. Okay? Isaac." I said but Isaac didn't respond.

"Danny...What do we know about momentum?" Mr. Harris called out.

"It's the product of mass and velocity. The more massive something is, the faster it's going." Danny answered.

"Mr. Harris, can I use the bathroom, please?" Isaac cuts in suddenly. Mr. Harris motioned him to go as he immediately left.

"I have to go to the bathroom too." I said, immediately standing up.

"One at a time." Mr. Harris replies.

"But I really have to go. Like, medical emergency have to go." I babbled.

"Mr. McCall, if your bladder suddenly exploded and urine began to pour from every orifice, I would still respond, "one at a time."" Mr. Harris responded coldly.

I groaned. "Is that enough hyperbole for you, or would you like me to come up with something more vivid?" Mr. Harris added.

I started to give up and said, "No. No. That's pretty good." I sighed whilst taking a seat.

Just then, I heard someone groaning from outside the room and pretty sure Mr. Harris heard it too. So he went outside and so did the entire class, to see that Ethan was laying down by the foot of Isaac.

"What is this? What's going on?" Mr. Harris asked.

"You all right?" Danny asks whilst helping Ethan up.

"Uh, he just... he just came at me." Ethan says.

"Isaac, what the hell did you do?" Mr. Harris asked once more.

"Don't let it bother you

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"Don't let it bother you. It's just lunchtime detention. If all they want right now is to piss you off, then don't give in. They're just trying to get to you." I said to Isaac about him having Mr. Harris to give him detention.

"It's not just me." Isaac says as he looks from afar. I saw Aiden talking to Lydia, and of course, I couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"What about tonight?" Aiden asks.

"Nope. Studying." Lydia answers.

"I could help you." Aiden suggests.

"Do you have an IQ higher than 170?" Lydia asks again.

"Okay. You could help me." Aiden scoffs.

"Tonight then?" Aiden says, and Lydia actually said yes.

"What?" I looked at Isaac.

"Now they're getting to you." Isaac says before leaving.


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