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"Are you serious Isaac! She's dying!" I yelled at the beta who set the defribillator's setting to it's highest.

"It takes her back to life!" Isaac says. "No, it's not! It's killing her Isaac!" I shouted as he pumped it once more on her chest.

I looked at the heart monitor, her heart was still beating. Isaac and I were supposed to find Scott but instead we found Colline, or Cara. About to kill Peter and Cora with Allison's arrows. Stiles accidentally bumped her head with a metal stick. After getting knocked out, she stopped breathing. Stiles and Lydia took Allison and the others who were injured to Deaton's. As we were assigned to keep Colline alive for a little time until Deaton finishes healing the three.

"Isaac! Stop it!" I tried to snatch the machine from his hands but he had a tight grip. Once he realized that it wasn't working, he threw it on the ground in frustration. He started to pump her chest.

"Come on! Come on!" Isaac says. His breath started to hitch as pumped more. He looked at the heart monitor, her heart was beating more than normal.

"No. No. No!" The machine beeped faster and louder as it was a sign of a nearing death.

"Derek, give her the bite!" Isaac says. "No! This wasn't the plan. The plan was to save her-"

"If it's about saving her, then do it, Derek! She's about to die!" Isaac yelled, tears falling down of his cheeks. His voice croaked a little bit. "Please Derek! You can't let her die!" Isaac's voice cracked at the end.

I looked at the heart monitor, it was definitely close. And I can't let her die. But I also can't let her be a werewolf. She doesn't deserve it. But she also doesn't deserve to die. "Derek, please!" Isaac cried out.

I took her wrist, and put it near my mouth, fangs came out as I bit her wrist. The heart monitor's noise slowed down to normal. Her breathing became normal. Her eyes was still shot closed though.

"Did it work?" Isaac asks. "I don't know." I muttered.

"We got the cure!" Allison yells, busting to the emergency room's door. But her voice trailed off when she saw Colline's wrist and my transformed face.

"Where's Colline...." Stiles' voice trailed off, when he saw what Allison was staring at. Stiles looked at me and then Isaac, "Isaac?" Stiles' voice bottom lip quivered. Isaac couldn't speak, so could I.

"Where's my sister?!" Scott runs in, and he sees the scene. Scott dropped the beaker he was holding. Which I am assuming is the antidote or cure for Colline.

"What the hell did you do Derek?!" Scott angrily lunges at me, throws a punch at my face. And another, and another. Until he was pulled back and smashed into the wall. Hitting his arm. Scott groans in pain as he stood up, clutching his arm.

"Don't touch him." Colline.

》 Isaac

5 hours earlier

"We have to find Scott before he finds Cara and tries to kill her." Stiles says.

"Yeah, thank you for stating the obvious here captain obvious." Derek rolls his eyes. Stiles ignores Derek's snarky remark. "And in the process of that, we have to find Cara." Stiles continued.

"How do we find a supernatural-killing alter ego and a messed up brother who has obviously got over her sister being taken over by a basically soul eating subconscious?" Peter says.

"Can everyone calm with the names? It's making me uncomfortable, and to find both, you can find them both by scent. There are four werewolves here, I think that's enough." Stiles says. As almost everyone agreed with his plan.

"Great. We find their scent, after that, what now?" Derek stood up, leaning by the table now.

"We stop them from doing killing and bring Cara or Colline or whoever to Deaton to suppress her other side, and as for Scott, we keep him chained until Colline's back to her true self." Stiles responds. "So is eveyone in?"

A choruses of they were in on the plan. "Okay, great. Time for pairings." Stiles announced.

"Pairings? What is this? A dating match?" Derek scoffs. Stiles turned to him, "Stop being such a sourwolf, and shut up because Scott's and Colline's life is on the line."

This angered Derek and started to walk towards Stiles, "I'll make you shut up-"

"Woah, woah, woah." Peter stopped Derek midway to Stiles.

"He does have a point Derek, we should focus on saving lives instead of complaining and angering werewolves." Cora specifically looked at Stiles at the last part.

"Thank you Cora, I guess? Anyway, Peter go with Cora, and Derek go with Isaac-"

"Derek and who?" I cut in.

"Don't distract me. Lydia come with me, and Allison go with Peter and Cora to find Cara. Derek and Isaac find Scott." Stiles sets up the pairings, my heart paces faster as they get up and leave.

"Why can't Derek come with us? And Allison with Isaac?" Cora suggests, "I send you three, Peter, Cora, and Allison to find Cara because you don't have affections for her. You won't get easily tricked. And as for, Derek and Isaac, you're Scott's pack members, maybe you can help loosen his mind, if he doesn't. Use force." Stiles explains.

"And Allison, before you find Colline, get anesthesia to knock her out and bring her to Deaton." Stiles says as Allison nods.

"All hands on deck, people. We have lives to save." Stiles says as

Me and Derek headed out and went to his car and drove to Scott's house. The whole car ride was quiet. Probably has to do with the fact that we both like the same girl. And one of us won't surrender to stop liking her because we just like her that much, I guess. We pulled up by Scott's driveway, as we reached the front door, it was locked. But Derek broke the doorknob and pushed the door open, we immediately went in and went upstairs to find Scott's scent.

"So you kinda live here now, I guess? Derek spoke, breaking the silence we had up until the car ride.

"Yeah. I had nowhere else to go." I said, almost in a whisper.

"Isaac, here." Derek lifted one of Scott's boxers."Derek, seriously? We have to find Scott, not his balls." I say. Derek shrugs and put the boxers down. I sniffed Scott's blanket, and finally got a scent, "Derek, the blanket." I told him as he also got a scent.

"Let's find him." We both left the house and set out to find Scott.


"Do you see anything, Isaac?" Derek asks, as we walk deeper into the woods. It was already dark. We've been searching for Scott for a whole 5 hours. And we have nothing. Nothing.

"Nothing, Derek. Absolutely nothing." I sighed, keeping the scent in my nose.  There was no sign of Colline or Scott.

Just then, we heard a scream. A girl's scream. It sounded like, "Allison?" Derek listens as he ran to follow the scream. I run with him until he come across a huge tree, in which, Allison was lying on, Cara must've hit her, and it made her weak. Cara was holding Allison's arrows, as Peter and Cora lunged at her.

"No!" Derek yelled as the two wolves lunged and Cara holding the arrows to eye level as the two wolves' eyes widen. Cara was about to sink it in, when she fell to the ground, behind her was Stiles, who was holding a metal stick.

"Colline!" Derek yells as he ran to her, Stiles and Lydia help the three to get up and fix themselves. "She's not breathing!" Derek says, pumping her chest.

"Take her to the hospital, keep her alive until we get the antidote." Stiles says as the five of them ran as Derek and I took Colline to the hospital.


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