A farmer's worries and Earth's new drink

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(Y/n) POV

"I fear that these reach guys will drive the local farmers out of business with them growing their own crop", I hear a man state.

'Well at least someone doesn't like them', I thought.

"Over here is the....", I tune out only to hear Jaime call my name. 

"Umm excuse me where is the bathroom?", I ask.

"Just take a right and it's the fourth door and the fifth door for the boys", I smile and nodded dragging the guys along the way.

 I look over at the team and see a bulge in Jaime's and Robin's  (pants jk 0////0) sweater-pockets.

"You two took something didn't you?", they both looked shocked I noticed when I didn't see it happen. "Remember I can steal anything, but don't unless I am extremely bored. Oh and Jiame don't keep $30 in you pocket, someone like me could steal it", I wink and toss him the money.

I turn around and start talking to Arsenal, not noticing Jaime's very apparent blush and Bart's very dagger like glare directed towards Jaime.

"So what do you think we'll find here?", I ask.

"Stuff that helps the Reach cause the apocalypse", I roll my eyes at his very apparent attitude.

"Found a vent we can sneak through here and go on with the mission from there", Robins states and the rest of us nod.

Blue beetle X reader X impulseWhere stories live. Discover now