In the Dark...

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Here I am,just a boy...nothing special...gotten this far in life the way I've been,like I do everyday,I go to school,I have no friends to talk to there...I'm told that they're my friends truly they're lying to me...everyday I go to school they always together all of them in groups inviting each other in,but not me...I'm always left out of many things,I'm not really considered a friend among them,just an outcast,I'm trick into believing I'm a friend,but I can see through it sometimes...when they're told to pick groups during class,they always choose each other,I try to be careful with what I say...because every little word I say is a mistake...when I'm put into a group and try to get involved I'm told my ideas are stupid...which is why I stay quiet and just work...I go to lunch everyday,and like you would expect,I sat alone...I only drink the milk and juice and eat nothing but a chicken sandwich and burger they served occasionally...I'm always judged by the things I do...I'm called a loner...and I'm just out of ideas of what I can do to improve things,but not even that helps...I try my best...but I'm not even good at school...I'm always low in some of my classes...I just try to get through the day and get home I just do whatever...I can go outside or just stay inside...usually I just stay inside with my family and just walk around or stay under my blanket with a Foxy plushy I bought,and imagine things that will obviously never me it feels like life's put me in a dark room...but at the end of the day...I get to speak with someone special...she is the glimmer of light that makes my day...and I hope to meet her soon one day...she is my light in the dark...

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