Chapter Three

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Alarm clock buzzing at 6am woke me from a comma like sleep. I hit the alarm and turned back and snuggled with her. She moans and I get hard from her sweet sounds. So I climb between her legs and sink into her heated moist center. Oh God she feels like heaven. I stay still and kiss her awake. " mmm what a way to be woke up, oh my... Ben your so big.. feels so good.. please don't tease me.. take me.."
Thats all she had to say and I lost my control " fuck sweets I can't get enough of you.. and this sexy body.. this delicious tight pussy will be the death of me baby.. " he says as he hammers into me. We both scream our release then I realize shit I didn't use a condom! No dam wonder if felt amazing. " shit I'm sorry V.. shit I wasn't thinking.... I didn't use a condom."
"I noticed after the fact, I'm clean it's been 2 years since my last relationship and i have reg. Check ups. I am on the pill but I'm not good at taking them like I pose to.. soo.. we need to not let that happen again... how bout you? I know you got playmates should I be worried? "
" I've never been with someone without protection. Thats why I was so taken back by me doing it now... dam V it was perfect.. you felt so good. I never want anything between us again...." coming in her was like marking her making her mine.... I want to do it again.

" Ben so this wasn't a one night thing?.. I mean I'm still in shock I believe cause I didn't see this coming"
" sorry I was suppose to ask you on a date but I lost control, seeing you in my home just pushed me to claim you. Victoria... I want you... be my woman. We will date and get to know each other more. There is nobody but you for me I swear. "

"Ben! Just so I'm clear.. your asking me to be your girlfriend?! "
"Baby you can call it what you want but what we will be to each other goes deeper than that... like I said you are mine.. and I'll be all yours."

" I think we started this relationship backwards " she said giggling "but I would love to be yours Ben, and I definitely love the thought of you being all mine."

Later that day

I can't stop smiling, dam I feel good. I had the best night of my life. I been getting looks all day from my staff, they been trying to figure me out. I'm sure they have a pool of guesses and bets on me. My phone buzzes and my mood darkens some when I see it's my father calling. We don't get along since I branched out with another company and giving him competition. He is always trying to get me to merge with him, and I will not ! Its been five years now and he still schemes every chance he gets. ""
"Hey son.. I been thinking bout you a lot... I was wondering if we could talk? "
"Have you now... dad I don't want to get into this with you again..."
"No.. no Benji it not about that. Lets set up time and place of your choosing."
" I'll get back to you soon dad, my lady will have all my attention this weekend, so maybe I'll call you next week. "

" well well well, what happened to love them and leave them son? Relationships are trouble for the rich don't you know my boy. Well she must be special in deed to catch you for more than a night. So who is she?"

Not like you care old man " dam right she's special.. she's been mine a while now she just didn't know it til last night. She owns sweetie's Bakery and café, her names Victoria. But enough about that I know that's not what this call is about. "
"Call me soon son so we can catch up." Then he hangs up and Im suspicious as hell of what our conversation meant.

I texted Victoria
" you off yet sweets"
"Yes... are you? "
" yea... you home?"
" I am..... wanna come over. I'm on the right side.. sweetie is on the front can't miss it"
"On way babe"

She was easy to find, big bold letters on her gate . I walk up to the door and she already has it open for me. "Come on in and close the door please" so I walk in and look around, very nice place.
She comes down the stairs " I'm sorry I had to get comfy I hope you don't mind"
God she is gorgeous, she has her hair pinned up with a t shirt and thin yoga like capris on, looking sexier than ever. " sweets your sexy as sin " I pull her to me and devour her lips.
After a moment there was a knock on the door, " oh I forgot I ordered a pizza hold that thought Mr." But before she stepped around me I told her to stay I'll go get it. When I can back she had the table ready and asked if I drink tea I said of course.
" I hope I didn't mess up any plans you may have had, I'm so used to being alone that my routine for Friday night came and went before I realized I didn't ask you if you had plans...I'm sorry." she said
" don't be this is perfectly fine, very relaxing and we can chat while we snuggle and move forward " I said right before I took a huge bit.
We talked and laughed late into the night, I ended up staying with her most of the weekend.
The next two weeks flew by and we spend every night together it didn't matter who place it was. I just couldn't stay away, I tried one night to stay home but my body, and mind was grieving the loss of her touch and company. So I texted I was coming over and ran to her.

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