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"Rise and shine you good for nothing pea brains! Lol I'm just kidding, but HURRY YOUR MOTHERFUCKING ASSES UP!" Noona yelled down the hall, banging on a couple pans together to create nothing but ruckus.

I groaned in my sleep, but refused to get up for anything like the lazy ass I am. I covered my head with the blanket and threw the pillow on top of my face to muffle out the noise. It didn't really make any difference, but at least it kept the sun out my face.

"Noona? What are you doing." I heard Taehyung say in a husky-voice, probably due to sleepiness. My widen to how deep his voice was, I didnt think it could go any deeper than yesterday. But this! That's rock bottom deep!

"Oh morning Taehyungie, finally one of you wakes up. Can you go wake Jungkook for me? This pan thing doesn't always work, so most of the time I have to wake him up myself." Auntie explained to the confused, sleepy Taehyung.

Before a Taehyung could say anything Noona was already heading downstairs, "Thanks Taehyung! Get dressed and come downstairs after you wake him up okay? Food is already out."

The older nodded his head slowly before turning over to my room across from his. He knocked on the door three times gently before saying out, "Jungkook-ah it's time to get up we have school today."

I didn't response and continued to lay in bed pretending to sleep so I can get five more minutes. Taehyung-hyung knock another time, but I still refused to response. My beauty-sleep is to important to me.

Just then the door slowly opened. Taehyung popped his head in to take a peek if I was awake or not. He sighed when he saw that I was still 'fast asleep'. I heard his footsteps drawling closer to my bed, feeling a finger poke at my shoulder.

"Jungkook-ah? It's time to wake up. Gee you're a very deep-sleeper if you couldn't even hear Noona bang those pans together. I thought a parade broke into your house for a few seconds, before I even realized it was just her." Taehyung joked, getting down on his knees next to the bed.

Everything in me, had to fight back a laugh from that stupid joke that Taehyung made, but in the end I couldn't do it, "HAHAHAHA!" I laughed out loud. Taehyung jumped due to my sudden outburst, but calmed down when my laughter died down.

"What's so funny? And you were awake this whole time?" He asked, tilting his head to the side like a confused little puppy. I nodded my head, smiling at the sleepy Taehyung kneeling beside my bed. "Yeah I was awake."

"Awe! Then you should've said something when I told you to wake up!" He complained, pouting like a baby that their parent just took their candy from. I giggled at the older's cuteness.

I shook my head and sprung up from my bed, "Okay I'm awake! Come on Taehyung go get ready for school." I ordered going over to my dresser to get out my black jeans, plain black t-shirt, a pair of black boxers, and a pair of white socks.

"Okay Jungkook-ah, come downstairs when your done getting ready." Taehyung said, getting up from the floor and walking out of my bedroom into his own. I nodded and started changing into my clothes. I realized that I was in all black again, which I was on Friday, but whatever.

After changing into my once again all black clothing, I went ahead and went into the bathrooms to brush my hair and my teeth, and wash my face. Then I made my way downstairs, smelling the sweet sent of chocolate chip pancakes. I could feel myself starting to drool.

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