Ending for Good

435 18 13

So I'm not even going to give excuses anymore and just be completely straight up with you guys.

I'm seriously going to end You're My Everything for good. I'm not restarting it over again and I'm not going to update it. (Not that I really ever did anyways)

You don't have to stay and read this part because I'm honestly just going to rant about my problems. (Skip to the sentence that starts with "thank you")

So lately for a long while now, I've been feeling very.....idk what it is, but I feel really sad. I'm not depress, but I'm not happy. Definitely not happy.

I don't have inspiration to write for you're my everything anymore. I don't have motivation to update this story, and don't have motivation to update my own life.

What I mean by that is, I feel like I'm stuck. I'm stuck in a rut and I don't really know how to get out. It feels like I don't want to do anything anymore and just sleep. Just sleep my life away. I don't feel like I'm living anymore and that's scary because it's possible that I'm not.

If I were to be totally honest, I don't want to live at all. But I don't have the heart to kill myself so I'm stuck. I don't know if it's just a phase or I do really have something wrong with me. I just don't know...

And look, I'm not asking for you guys to pity me whatsoever. That's exactly what I don't want. I don't want you to pity me because I don't deserve it. I don't deserve anything to be honest.

For a long time, I come to convince myself that I'm not worth anything. There's no reasoning to why I even did that in the first place, maybe it was because people told me I wasn't, or because I just really hated myself.

But whatever the reason, I'm depressed or some shit idk. I'm sorry I'm stopping you're my everything. You guys loved this story even though it's shitty and literally has no good factors to it. Thank you for supporting all this time.

If you guys really want, I'll update you with the plot of the story and what was suppose to happen if any of you are interested in that.

Sorry if this made you sad because I don't like it when people are sad. Just remember you don't have to deal with shitty updates anymore :'))

I love you guys. A lot. You don't even know.

Oh and idk why I'm telling you this but I'm thirteen. Just if you guys were curious.

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