[You're My Everything - Story Plans Pt. 2]

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Welcome to part two of this :')))
Enjoy the mess that starts below this short author's note.


Main plot — So you guys, the main plot is about making sure Jungkook never finds out about him and Taehyung being step-brothers. Throughout the story I wanted Taehyung to hide it from him and have Noona agree to never say anything about it either. Even when the two started dating. (Yes they started dating).


Side plot — Taehyung and Jungkook date for a whole year. They go on dates with each other all the time, cuddle each other a hella lot and started somehow sleeping in Taehyung's room. Leaving to almost abandon Jungkook's room. During these times, I wanted Jungkook to start using his polaroid camera. Also I wanted them to have a super special date each month for their anniversary. That's when Jungkook would take a picture, to print the memory.


Conflicts — Noona had received papers all related to Jungkook and Taehyung such as Jungkook's birth certificate, Taehyung's adoption papers, medical records, and the paper that showed that they were in fact, related.

Money that Jungkook and Taehyung's dads wanted to give to them also was sent as well, at 10,000 dollars. Taehyung's father had passed away, and Jungkook's father want missing. Case is still unclear. Taehyung was aware of his father's death, which he cried a butt load about, but did it silently by himself so Jungkook wouldn't be worried. Except Noona was very worried.

Jimin, had accidentally overheard Taehyung talking to himself about how to get rid of the papers about him and Jungkook's step-brother relationship. Noona had handed Taehyung the papers the day before, which caused him to freak out about. Jimin confronted Taehyung telling him to spill it out. Taehyung was shocked, but told him everything out of force. Jimin was over the top pissed, but nevertheless promised to not say anything.


Climax — One day Taehyung was rushing out on a cold winter day to get some medicine for Jungkook that caught a cold. Noona suggest that she would get it for him, but Taehyung refused and told her to stay with Jungkook. Which she agreed to after protest. Jungkook didn't want Taehyung to go, but let him anyways.

Jungkook is laying in Taehyung's warm bed, buried in piles and piles of blankets. He feels nice and warm, which makes him happy. But he was bored waiting for the older and decided to look under Taehyung's bed for anything interesting hidden that he can mess around with. His eyes spotted a box that read 'memories and pictures'

Jungkook pulled it out and brought the box up. His smile widens and decides to look in it. There was a picture book and a bunch of letters and old notes. Jungkook is happy to look at the picture book, seeing pictures of a little Taehyung. There were a lot of pictures of him and a man, which he guessed was his dad.

But. He then comes across a picture where another man enters the photo and it's the man that Jungkook hates the most.
His father.

As the boy flips through more and more, anger rushes. Jungkook throws the book aside. He pushes the box out of his lap, making everything fall out. That's when he spots a paper with an official judge stamp and two signatures on the bottom of the paper. He picks it up and reads it.

'Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung that sons and step-sons of *Blank* and *Blank*'

After Jungkook had found those papers, there was big fight between the two, mainly having Jungkook burst out with anger and Taehyung begging for forgiveness. Which he doesn't receive. They broke up after that day and Noona suggested that Taehyung go stay with Jimin until Jungkook wasn't in the mood to kill him. Taehyung agreed. Jimin on the other hand disagreed, but gave in when the boy started crying at his front door and begged him.


Ending — Taehyung stayed with Jimin for about a couple weeks before he returns to a happy-looking Jungkook sitting at the couch watching spongebob on the tv, and eating popcorn. Noona greets him warmly. Which he wished she didn't. It made him feel even more guilty. She explained that when Taehyung was absent from the house for those couple of weeks, Jungkook's dad payed a visit.

Jungkook's dad also begged for forgiveness and explained that he was being selfish and did wrong for his own good and was so sorry for everything. He wished death upon himself. Jungkook didn't say anything for minutes. But bursted at him with all the anger he's held inside. It lead to a crying fest.

Jungkook's dad then makes him an offer to finally make everything up to him with teary eyes. He suggested that him and Jungkook go back to their hometown, where they were the happiest people alive with his mother and live there together. In Busan. Jungkook would be able to visit his mother's grave then, and meet his old childhood friends again.

Noona wasn't up for it, but Jungkook agreed after all the protest that Noona made. Jungkook was happy to hear he can visit his mother and see some of his child friends again, but of course he was sad about leaving Noona. But he promised to visit. Except most of the reasoning why he wants to leave is because of Taehyung.

They part, Jungkook goes with his dad a month after the chaos. He bid goodbye to Noona warmly and hugged Jimin super tight. As for Taehyung, he only looked at him before entering the car. Taehyung was heart broken.

The car started to drive off. Jimin and Noona turned to walk away, returning back to their own lives, but Taehyung ran after the car. Tears fall down his eyes heavily and he yelled Jungkook's name like it'll be the last thing he'll ever say. He banged on the window but Jungkook didn't response. He yelled I love you loud and clear for him to hear.
And like that the car disappears, speeding away from Taehyung's sight.

When Taehyung makes it back into the house and into his room, he notices a box and note on his desk. He looks at it with tear-filled eyes and opened it. Inside there were the pictures of him and Jungkook together with the special moments they had spent together. Jungkook gave all of them to Taehyung. He cried while looking through them, and he sobbed even harder reading the small note.

Taehyung...I don't hate you. I'm just mad you never told me the truth. If you did, I would probably still be with you and love you so much right now....but you didn't. I'm sorry for leaving, but I can't stand to face you after everything that happened and I can't stay in the same place as you without thinking that you lied to me.

I love you so fucking much...but I guess you didn't love me as much as I loved you, seeing you didn't bother to tell me the truth.


Sorry about that you guys :')))
If you want, I'll write one more chapter of You're My Everything about the climax and ending for you just to make it up to you. But that's your choice.

If not, thank you for supporting me and being there for me and reading this shitty book. I love you all so much! 💞

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