Chapter 3: The Heart's Desire

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Chapter 3: The Heart's Desire

Lynch and Kingsley had disrupted their routine early Wednesday morning to inform them that Hobbes and Riley had been acquitted. The three of them were invited to watch the interrogation but knowing that it would mean losing valuable time of their research, they opted not to go. Besides, they knew they wouldn't learn anything from them to help Granger.

Both Riley and Hobbes were to be held prisoner for Life and maybe subjected to the Dementor's Kiss. They were tried for illegal use of potions, illegal use of magical artifacts and manslaughter.

"Manslaughter?" Draco couldn't help but questioned.

"Yes" Lynch said. "I'm sorry to say but this wasn't the first time they administered the Nightshade poison. They confessed, though using veritaserum, that they inflicted the poison on muggles and wizards alike. There were 7 muggles in total and none survived. Muggle authorities have ruled the case as drug overdose."

A copy of the report was left on their hands.

It was on the 5th day when he found something. He was distracted by Blaise accidentally tipping a large tome on Ancient Rituals and the book bouncing on his feet that he didn't noticed right away what he was scouring on.

Blaise has offered whatever help he could provide in helping him find what he was looking for. Of course that involves countless hours of perusing the library books and he was grateful for the extra hand. Sometimes in the dead of the night he would found Blaise snoring away in one corner, a pair of open book in his hand. A smirk would appear on his face as he watched his friend drool on the floor. He could only shake his head and would summon a blanket for him as he continues his search.

His amusement increased when another book toppled over the head of Blaise and he gave a loud yelp. He was on the verge of laughing when Blaise noticed him smirking. "Go on laugh it up. I like to see you smile when a book decided to imitate being a bludger and maul you." He scowled at him and the laugh did escape from his mouth. It was a reprieve from all the tension building from the room.

"You're such a moron." He teased. "I believe there are books that would try and be a snake just to bite you."

"Fuck you"

He couldn't help but snigger at that. "Didn't know you want me. All you have to do is ask." Blaise just gave him the finger and returned to re arranging the fallen books.

He returned to his part of the shelf and found that his hand was holding a small journal lodged between tattered tomes of Talismanic Magic and Grimoire of the Fae. Its cover was old black leather and the pages were all but frayed but the script italic writings were clear in black ink. He was just scanning the journal when the word sage and salvia passed his eyes.

It was from a 17th century Spanish Potions Master by the name of Manolo Joaquin y Posada and few of his logs were records of his findings on the dark sleep. It was set in the time the Spaniards had colonized Mexico.

How the journal came to be in their possession, he didn't know but he knew that the Malfoys of the old times tend to associate themselves with charismatic individuals and may have acquired the journal through their connections.

The entries were in Spanish but it was nothing a quick translation spell couldn't do.

Draco set himself by the lounge chair in the library and immediately read the entries. Information is information and it may be the key to helping Granger. They were running out of time and they were getting frantic. Potter nearly ransacked and toppled the whole Library of Grimmauld Place in his desperation and panic.

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