Chapter 7

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The next morning Sarah awoke long before dawn, too excited to sleep any longer. The prospect of seeing the Goblin City and spending the day with Jareth filled her with anticipation. Sarah was a bit surprised that Jareth was already up and, according to Atta, had been gone for several hours.

"Good Heavens," she thought. "When does he sleep?" It had been quite late when he had returned the evening before.

Sarah soon had eaten and was almost ready to go. Unfortunately, the sight of the dress that awaited her that morning brought her to a screeching halt. Trying not to be judgmental, Sarah valiantly put it on, only to be more dismayed. Though exquisitely made and beautifully cut, the dress was a rather odd color combination of chartreuse and green that was distinctly unflattering. Even little Atta looked at Sarah rather dubiously.

"Well, it not that bad. Maybe we can cover it up." she said hopefully.

"No, Atta, I don't think we can." said Sarah dispiritedly. "I'm afraid I look like an overgrown asparagus! I don't mean to seem ungrateful and I really don't want to bother the King for something else to wear. But I don't think I could stand spending the whole day in this awful thing. I'll just have to wear the dress from yesterday."

Atta looked a bit distressed. "You can't, Lady Sarah. Me sent it to be cleaned. Me sorry!"

"Oh, dear; now what?" pondered Sarah. " Atta, this is a big castle. Are you telling me there's nothing else anywhere that I could put on without bothering the King?"

Being the intelligent goblin she was and remembering the King's threat, Atta came up with an idea.

"Wait here, Lady Sarah" she said." Me be back."

A short time later, Atta returned followed by a huge goblin toting an enormous trunk.

After dropping it, the goblin lumbered away. Atta ran over to Sarah.

"Me talk to Kingy's old valet. He say these only clothes he know of in castle." Atta informed Sarah.

After some effort, Sarah and Atta managed to pry open the huge trunk. Inside, a veritable rainbow of colors greeted them. Curious, Sarah began rummaging. The clothes inside were fresh and clean though the trunk itself appeared quite old. Sarah pulled out some of the many shirts and began to look at them more closely. Sarah was mystified until she noticed that each one shared the same distinctive crescent shaped buttons on the sleeves.

These were Jareth's clothes! Sarah quickly realized by the various sizes that Jareth must have worn these at a much earlier time. After a bit more rummaging, Sarah managed to find a rather appealing burgundy shirt that looked close to her size. Soft and light weight, the material felt wonderful. Sarah kept looking and soon unearthed a smaller sized pair of black corded pants and matching vest that fit as well. Gratefully, Sarah put them on and found they were actually quite comfortable. Still, Sarah couldn't resist laughing at one or two other things she and Atta had run across. First had been the shirt in a strange hue Sarah could only label as pumpkin orange. Then there had been the waist coat that had so many rhinestones that Sarah couldn't imagine how Jareth had worn it without falling over since it was so heavy.

The thought of Jareth wearing either item had sent Sarah into a peal of giggles, though judging by their sizes he must have been quite young when he wore them. A short time later, Sarah finished dressing and looked at the result. Though a bit large and baggy, the shirt, vest, and pants were a reasonably good fit. Unfortunately, the trunk held no shoes so Sarah was force to wear the green slippers that matched the awful dress.

Even Atta saw the improvement." Well, it not perfect, but it better than that dress. Me just hope Goblin King not get mad."

A bit nervous, Sarah entered the now gleaming throne room where the Goblin King sat on his throne impatiently tapping his foot. As he saw Sarah, he rose, but quickly began to look displeased.

Jareth stood up as Sarah walked into the throne room and instantly frowned. The moment he saw her wearing something other than the gown he had conjured, he became quite irritated. Where she had gotten these clothes he had no idea, but the sight of her in them filled him with a wave of jealousy. He considered it his prerogative alone to provide completely for Sarah and he would brook no interference. He was about to unleash a stinging tirade when a minute detail on the shirt caught his eye and stopped his tongue.

Jareth's eyebrows shot up in astonishment as he quickly realized that Sarah had somehow gotten hold of and was wearing an old outfit of his!

Jareth's frown quickly turned to a smile of amusement at the thought of Sarah wearing his old clothes. Frankly, he found it rather pleasing and a bit tantalizing.

"Well, well. " He said in a light tone.' This is quite a change. I think I rather like it."

Sarah let out a sigh of relief. She hadn't missed Jareth's initial reaction. The Goblin King himself was very handsomely outfitted in a brown leather waistcoat, with matching pants and leather boots. It reminded Sarah of the outfit he wore after being disguised as a beggar in the Labyrinth. He even had his riding crop and gloves.

Jareth looked Sarah over and smiled a bit more as he noticed her slippers.

"You look quite nice, Sarah." he said as he folded his arms and looked to be thinking. "But I think something's missing."

Jareth tossed a globe at Sarah's feet and she felt a burst of warm air rush over her.

She looked down and was startled to see that her outfit had changed slightly. The shirt and pants were now far more form fitting and had minute rose brocade stitched at the hems. Though still comfortable, they now showed off Sarah's figure, clinging to every curve. The vest had transformed into a bolero style jacket that had the distinctive crescent buttons on the sleeves and front. The slippers had been replaced by velvet soft ankle boots.

"There," the Goblin King announced. "That's much better! She looks enchanting, doesn't she? "

The goblins immediately chorused their agreement.

"Oh, yes. She beautiful"

"Lovely, Lovely"

"Her da nicest thing we ever see!"

The Goblin King sauntered over to Sarah and couldn't resist a final complement.

"My dearest Sarah, you look positively magnificent. Who is your tailor?"

Jareth's light tone and almost boyish teasing got the better of Sarah and she couldn't hold in a giggle.

"Why you, of course, Your Majesty. And may I say that you are looking most regal and resplendent yourself, today." She replied in an equally light tone.

Jareth bowed with a courtly flourish and moved to take Sarah's arm in his as they strolled to the doorway.

"Why thank you, sweet Sarah. We make a striking couple, do we not? I do believe we two shall cut the finest figures the Goblin city has seen in quite some time. This way, milady, our carriage awaits."

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