Chapter 15

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Early the next morning, Jareth transported Sarah and himself back to her mother, Elizabeth's, Manhattan apartment. Luckily, Sarah had settled most of her mother's affairs and done her packing long before she had accidentally wished herself back to the Goblin Kingdom. She had been planning to move back in temporarily with her father and Karen, at least until she made some decisions about her own future. Between graduating performing arts high school months earlier and seeing her mother through the final stages of her cancer, Sarah had felt too exhausted and emotionally drained to make any major plans for herself right then. Fortunately, Elizabeth had left Sarah very well provided for, giving her the luxury of taking time to consider what she wanted. Though Elizabeth had encouraged Sarah to pursue her education if she chose, Sarah knew in her heart that her mother had always secretly hoped Sarah would find her way back to Jareth and real happiness.

As Sarah organized a few last details, Jareth took the opportunity to survey the room that had been Sarah's for most of the past three years. This room held no stuffed animals or frilly "Princess" furniture like Sarah's old room. Though ornate, the furniture was modern and sleek, giving the room a far more "grown up" style. This was definitely the bedroom of a young woman, not a fanciful teen. Sarah's bookshelf now held only a few old classic fairytales, volumes of great literature, a murder mystery and several romance novels, not the profusion of childish fiction and toys like in her old room. Yet, tucked back into a corner, a familiar volume caught his eye. Jareth picked up the creased and well read copy of the book that had brought them together. Though Sarah had obviously cared for it well, The Labyrinth had seen better days. With a simple touch of magic, Jareth restored it to pristine condition. Next to it, another item caught his attention.

To anyone else, it would have appeared to be nothing more than a tattered and faded ring of cheap, silk flowers ready for the trash. Jareth knew, beyond any doubt, that this was the ring of flowers Sarah used to wear in her hair when she dressed up and recited the lines of The Labyrinth that had first drawn him to her in the park.

He could still remember every detail of watching her animated face as he sat, fascinated, in owl form atop the nearby pillar. Though never overly sentimental, the faded flowers evoked a feeling of affection in the Goblin King as he remembered the childish defiance and false bravado of his sweet Sarah on her first trip to the Goblin Kingdom. Though he wouldn't trade a moment of the past week with his lovely, now grown up Sarah, he would always have a special place in his heart for the plucky, young girl she had been.

Suddenly, Jareth was hit with another wave of inspiration. With a wave of his hand, he restored the flowers to their original condition. Though colorful and whole, they were still cheap, silk flowers. He then summoned a bit more magic and breathed very gently onto the ring. Instantly, the flowers froze. Glistening and glittering, the frost evaporated to reveal the circle of silk flowers had transformed into an elegantly made coronet of diamond and platinum. Smugly, the Goblin King smiled, deeming the shining tiara a fit coronation crown for his Goblin Queen. Another wave sent it back to the Royal chambers to Sarah's dressing table.

Just then, someone came into the apartment, drawing their attention. Curious, Jareth followed Sarah out into the large living room. Surprised, Mildred, her mother's maid, looked up.

"Oh, Sarah! There you are. I was getting worried. I figured you'd gone off on your own after the funeral. But when you didn't call after a week, I started to worry." she said.

Mildred had been a seamstress and wardrobe supervisor on Broadway for decades. She and Elizabeth had become great friends though Mildred was much older. But, when Elizabeth had taken ill, Mildred had left the theatre to help care for her. Though she had a family of her own, she had come to care for Elizabeth and then, Sarah, as if they were part of her family. Folding her arms, she eyed Jareth critically, giving him the once over.

"So, who's this?" Mildred barked out like a Marine drill sergeant.

A little startled at this change in her demeanor, Sarah was instantly at a loss for words on how to describe the past week's adventure.

Unperturbed, Jareth stepped up and addressed Mildred in an arrogant tone.

"I am Sarah's husband." he stated emphatically.

Mildred's harsh visage instantly softened as she turned to Sarah." So that's it! Ran off and got married, did you? About time too! Your mother was a good woman, God rest her, but she's gone. You're young and you deserve to be happy, Sarah. It was the one thing Elizabeth always wanted most; for you to be happy with someone who loved you." Sobering, she turned her attention back to Jareth.

"So, you're Sarah's husband. You're an actor, too, by the look of you." she ground out taking in the Goblin King's usual flamboyant appearance.

Irritated, Jareth addressed her in his most imperious Goblin King manner.

"I am not an actor, you silly woman! I am King Jareth of the Goblin City, Supreme Ruler of the Goblin Kingdom and Absolute Sovereign of the Labyrinth!"

Unimpressed, Mildred merely rolled her eyes and looked at Sarah knowingly.

"Oh, he's one of them method actors, is he? Well, makes no difference; as long as you're happy. I only came by to drop off these papers from your mother's lawyer. Everything is settled and you can just leave the keys with the manager downstairs. The new owners are moving in next week."

Moving closer, Mildred patted Sarah's cheek gently." Be happy, Sarah." Curtsying, she turned to Jareth in a mocking tone." Goodbye, Your Majesty. I'm sure you'll be wonderful in your next role. You've certainly got it down."

As Mildred departed, Jareth growled in frustration; but Sarah merely laughed. After a moment, the Goblin King joined in and took her into his arms.

"Well, that's all of it." Sarah sighed. "I called my dad and Karen to say goodbye, though I couldn't explain it completely."

"You can still see them and Toby, you know." Jareth offered softly.

"I know." Sarah replied. "I love you, Jareth. I always have and I always will. I'm grateful to my mother. It was she who convinced me to come back to you, you know."

"Then I shall always be grateful to her." Jareth replied." Ready to go home, my lovely Queen?"

"Oh, yes." Sarah replied breathlessly. "I've been waiting my whole life."

In a flash, the Goblin Queen and King disappeared back to the Goblin castle in the city beyond the Labyrinth.

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