Chapter 12

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He had only meant to give Sarah a passionate, but gentle kiss. However, the moment his lips touched Sarah's, a firestorm of desire broke loose in Jareth. As he fought desperately to control his raging desires, he pulled his mouth from Sarah's to look at her.

To Sarah, the kiss had been something she had spent the last three long years waiting endlessly for. When Jareth broke the kiss, Sarah couldn't hold back a murmur of protest. Without thought, she slid her arms up around Jareth's neck to pull his lips back down to hers while she pressed herself closer.

Sarah's soft sound of passion and gentle touch urging him closer swept away the last of Jareth's noble intentions. Sweeping her up into his arms, they were instantly back in the Royal chambers. Atta took one look at the pair and promptly made herself scarce.

Jareth stopped near the huge bed and allowed Sarah to slide down his body, once again pulling her close. Fighting for some semblance of sanity, Jareth broke the intense kiss once more. When he spoke, his voice was thick with desire.

"Sarah." he said in a husky whisper.

At the sound of her name, Sarah opened her eyes and the passionate haze that clouded them was almost the Goblin King's undoing. Still, he paused, giving Sarah a last chance to reconsider. Once again, she reached for Jareth and he knew he was lost. Quickly, he moved to rejoin their lips once again as he waved his hand.

Sarah was surprised to feel Jareth's bare skin under her hands. Looking down, she found he was dressed only in a pair of soft, black sleeping pants while she was still fully dressed. A bit dazed, she could only watch as Jareth lifted his now ungloved hands and gently placed her on the bed. Nervously, she reached for her hair, but Jareth caught her hands and held them still between his own.

"No," he whispered softly. "Let me."

Carefully and deliberately, he reached up to unfasten the silver combs and ribbon, freeing Sarah's hair. He ran his fingers through its silken strands, savoring the feeling. Slowly reaching behind Sarah's neck, he unclasped her gown. In a whisper of silk, it slid down to her waist, revealing bare skin underneath. Jareth's breathing became uneven as he took in the curves of Sarah's sweet form. Moaning low in his throat, Jareth moved to kiss Sarah as his hand reached to gently cup her breast. Once again, Sarah put her arms around Jareth and pulled him closer.

As the kiss went on, Jareth began to gently stroke her nipple, causing it to peak while his tongue explored her mouth. Sarah murmured in pleasure, arousing Jareth even more. He soon replaced his fingers with his mouth, lathing the tip of her breast with his tongue. He, then turned his attention to the other nipple, much to Sarah's delight. As his ungloved hands stroked her, Sarah felt as if her skin were on fire and she restlessly caressed the warm skin of Jareth's back and shoulders, lost in the passion he was creating within her. The Goblin King couldn't hold back a growl of pleasure of his own at Sarah's gentle touch as she ran her hands over his back. Ever so gently, Jareth's hands glided down Sarah's body, skimming the dress and the rest of her clothes down her hips and setting them aside. His breath became a harsh rasp as he drank in the site of Sarah's lovely form, naked in his bed. For a moment he paused, savoring the vision. Quickly, he removed the last of his own clothing. Moving back to Sarah, he once again began to caress her, this time more urgently as his own passion flared wildly. He groaned in pleasure as his naked flesh made contact with hers.

Jareth's hand glided down Sarah to the very heart of her heated desire. Tenderly, he lightly stroked the delicate folds at her entrance before slipping a single finger inside. He growled in pleasure again as he felt the wet warmth there. Sarah murmured in pleasure again and called his name softly.

"Jareth." she sighed as she writhed under his gentle touch.

When Sarah moaned the Goblin King's name, her voice full of passion, he could hold back no longer. Moving over her, he quickly joined their bodies with a sharp, strong thrust. As he thrust himself into her, he felt something give as Sarah gasped. Jareth's eyes flew open and for a moment, he paused; struggling to hold back the passionate desires raging through him to comprehend what he had just felt,. But then, Sarah began to writhe in pleasure under him and all thought fled as his desires overwhelmed him.

Soon, the Goblin King was thrusting hard and fast into his sweet Sarah as she cried out wildly, arching up to meet him at each thrust. Jareth desperately desired to prolong their first time together, but Sarah was simply too responsive for him to resist. Within moments, Sarah was writhing beneath him sending his own pleasure soaring. As her movements became more frantic, Jareth felt his control slipping. As he felt the inner contractions of Sarah's climax begin , his control broke and he felt his own climax begin to slide up his spine. Quickly, he grabbed Sarah to him, locking his mouth on hers. As he felt Sarah's climax ripple through her, he swallowed her sweet cries, savoring each sound. Almost simultaneously, Jareth let out a loud groan of completion as the most powerful climax of his life crashed over him.

Finally, after several more moments, their wild cries softened to moans of satisfaction as they both drifted back down. Jareth slid himself off Sarah, afraid of being too heavy for her. He settled the bedcovers over the two of them, taking Sarah into his arms and tucking her head to his shoulder. Soothingly, he stroked her hair and back after pulling her as close as he could. Sarah didn't resist, still shaken by the strength of their intense passion. When his breathing had returned to normal, Jareth drew back enough to see Sarah's face as the full impact of what he had felt moments before finally registered.

Though he was quite old and Fey, the Goblin King was not completely out of touch with the modern world. Even he knew how rare and special it was for a young woman of Sarah's age to have remained so truly innocent, especially living in such a fast paced urban environment. His Sarah had been a maiden in the medieval sense of the word.

Unnerved and deeply shaken, Jareth turned to Sarah for answers. Gently, he lifted her chin and forced her to meet his mismatched gaze.

"Why didn't you tell me, Sarah?" he said gently." Were all the men around you these past years blind?"

Still a bit nervous about what they had just shared, Sarah contemplated feigning sophistication and giving the Goblin King some glib reply.

In the end, she gave Jareth the only answer she could: the truth.

"They weren't you." she whispered softly.

Jareth inhaled sharply and brought his mouth back to Sarah's for a tender kiss. Wrapping his arms around her and tucking her close, Jareth began once again to soothe his beloved Sarah. Lulled by Jareth's gentle stroking and a bit of added magic, Sarah drifted off into a deep and restful sleep.

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