Ski trip part 8

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"Don't worry sweetie daddy going to be by you all night" he says as he strokes her hair as they ate supper

Mel ate and Louis carried her back to bed, so she could rest

"Night sweetie" he says as he tucks her in for the night

Mel mumbles something as he tucked her in cause she fell asleep as she was being carried to bed

"Don't worry Mel you can do a lot of cool things tomorrow I promise you" he says as he kisses her good night cause he had to get the little one's to bed as well tomorrow was the start of their vacation 

Louis looked at her as she was sleeping peacefully in her bed  

"Night Mel i love you" he says as he goes and gets the little ones and gets them ready for bed and gets them tucked in as well cause tomorrow day for the Tomlinson girls and he wanted them to have plenty of sleep and Mel to recover from this incident 

Louis got Anna all ready for bed and got her tucked in after the movie was over

"Okay Faith, Hope it is time for you two babies go to sleep" he says as he comes out to get them so they can go to sleep and Louis knew he was going to be up 

Faith and Hope were cooing up at him as he picked both of them up, so they could go to bed that night

"Are you two talking huh pretty girls?" he asks as he takes them to their room, so he could tuck them in cause they were going to be up soon 

Hope went to bed on her own, but Faith did not want to go to sleep just yet she wanted to be up for a bit 

"Faith why don't you want to go to sleep pretty girl?" he asks as he came out with her as she was wide awake and her sister was asleep in her crib 

Louis decided to take her to the window so she could see it snow

"Your first snow baby girl" he says as he looks at her as he was holding her in his arms 

"I think the baby kicked" Briana says when she felt the baby from within her

"No way that is so cool" he says as he goes over to her so he could feel the baby kicked inside her 

"What are we going to name the little one?" she asks him as they sat on the couch since almost all of the girls were sound asleep in the cribs or in their beds 

"I like Freddie for a boy" Louis says as he plays with Faith who was wide awake 

"That names sounds different" Briana says as she looks at Faith who was a happy girl playing with her daddy since she did not want to go to sleep 

"Then what are we going to go for if it's a girl" he says to Briana as they were talking about baby names 

"We can come up with names and then see what the baby is when the baby comes" Briana says as she leaves to go home cause she wanted to relax a little bit before the next day cause the next day Louis had a action packed day for the girls and one of them being the snowman competition where Mel and Anna were going to be building since the babies can't build a snowman quite yet 

"Yeah I guess so" he says as she left to go to her room 

Louis decided to walk around with Faith since she was starting to get a little fussy 

"I know your sleepy sweetie and you know your tired too" he says as he walks with her to help calm her down cause they were not at home where he could rock her that way and she falls back to sleep on her own and he did not want to use the paci's all of the time to help her go to sleep on her own  

Louis rubbed her back to help her go to sleep, and talked to her softly  

"Daddy right here love and tomorrow we are going to have a lot of fun in the snow and maybe you might want to play in it a little bit" he says as he heads back to the room with her cause she was settling down on her own 

Louis got back into the room with her and took her to the master where she was going to sleep with daddy that night cause it felt like she needed daddy to be there for her right now 

"Here we go angel daddy going to tuck you in for the night" he says as he puts her on the bed, so he could get a hot shower and go to bed as well 

Louis stood until she was completely asleep in the bed before he went and took a shower

"Daddy will be right back he promises" he says as he heads into the bathroom to get a hot shower and let his body warm up a little bit before he went to bed that night 

Louis was quick in the shower and he got into bed and cuddled up with Faith since she started to get fussy again 

"Here we go you can squeeze daddy's finger if you want to" he says as he gives her his finger to squeeze for protection 

Faith latched on and held tight as she was holding daddy's finger as she went back to sleep cause she felt better that daddy was next to her in the bed 

"Daddy has your stuffed animal that you sleep with at night here" he says as he goes and gets the stuffed animal that he brought on the trip so she could feel safe with it being close to her as she was sleeping with daddy

Louis put it close to her as she was going back to sleep on her own 

"Night Faith I love you" he says as he gives her a kiss on her little nose as she was going to sleep on her own 

Louis loved hearing her snore and she was cute as she tried to get comfy as she slept 

"Easy baby girl" he says as he rubs her belly as she slept to get her to settle down on her own 

Faith was able to settle down as daddy rubbed her belly 

"daddy will rub your belly as much as you want" he says to her

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