Lockdown in the Tomlinson mansion

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Louis and the kids became stuck on the cruise line due to the new outbreak so Louis had to put Disney on the backburner for now, and try to keep the kids healthy as could be before they go to Disney

"I was able to get the laundry done" Louis says cause the kids were running out of clean clothes and he hasn't been able to wash the clothes lately due to not having a washer in the room, so he was able to find out from other passengers on board that they were able to do their laundry a secret way as well as get supplies for the little ones that were on board right now, so Louis took advantage of it until Disney assured it's passengers it was safe to get off the boat

The kids were getting board being in the room and only going to certain parts of the ship to let it loose right now

"I know it's not fun and I hope we get off the boat soon" he says as he was going to answer his fan e-mail right now and see when they will be getting off cause he was going to ride this thing out at his house for the time being cause if all of the kids got sick he wouldn't know what to do right now anyways and he felt that he and his bunch should be home riding this out

Louis kept the kids entertained the best and only way he knew how right now until the all clear was given

(Weeks later)

The all clear was given and Louis and the kids got off the cruise ship and got the first flight they could to one of Louis's mansions that he has and the closest one is in London and he was so glad to be going home and he has to stock up on everything that the family will need these next few months and Louis had to cancel his tour dates put DIsney on the very back burner for the time being cause of what was happening right now in the world and Louis did not want any of the kids to get it so he was gong to be home schooling all of them when the time comes cause he wanted them to get settled into their new normal and he had to make sure he had plenty of food, diapers, games and everything else on hand for all of the kids. Brianna was going to have Freddie be with Louis during this crisis    

"Okay kids here we are home sweet home" he says as he gets out and was going to help all of the babies and the really little ones off the bus so they can get settled 

"Finally I can't wait to see my room" Mel says as she got off the bus 

"First you have to help me with the laundry and the grocery shopping then you can do what you want" he tells her

"I hate this" she says as she went in the house to get everything set up for the first load to be done and she had to do the grocery list of what they need cause Louis was going to order it online

"How long will I need to stay with you daddy?" Freddie asks as he got off the bus as Louis got on to get the real little ones and the babies off and they can go intot he house 

"As long as possible your mom wants to keep you safe right now so you don't get this from your friends or other family members and don't wory I still have that MArio Kart you love" he says as he gets one of the real little ones off cause they were kind of scared of what was happening around them right now   

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