Louis party

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"Okay come on pretty girl you get to come with Louis" he says as he picks up Johannah and takes her to his car so he could head to his party

Louis made sure he had the diaper bag packed just in case she had a blow-out or if she got bored she had some toys to play with as well as food and dummies that she can suck on

"Off we go i guess" he says as he was heading to his party with her in the backseat just looking out the window at where she was, and at the pretty lights as well since they were very bright for her

Louis decided he was going to take her on the London eye before the party cause he wanted to make sure she was going to be okay and he wanted to spend some one on one time with her as well before the party

"We are going to take a ride okay Johannah" he says as he got her out of her car seat

Louis paid for the ride and he got on with her

"We can see all of London from here" he says as he got a seat since they were going to be the only ones riding

Louis spots all of the sights to her and Johannah was in ahh as the wheel started to turn and go all the way up to the top

"I can't wait to get you back to America and I hope i can adopt you as my daughter" he says as he kissed her cheek as they were still riding the London eye 

Johannah was snuggled as close as she could to Louis 

"We are so high up" he says as he looks over the edge as they were going to the top 

Louis got up and took her to see all of London from where they were 

"There is the London bridge" he says as he shows her the London bridge from the London eye that was lite up in a pretty color  

Johannah laid her head on his shoulder as they looked from the London eye. Louis loved this moment that he was spending with her 


"Okay pretty girl we have to go to my birthday party and then we can go home and we can take a nap together" he says as they got off the London eye to go to his party 

Louis got her into her car seat so she was secured as he headed to his party 

"Okay sweetie we are going to go" he says as he kisses her as he got her secured and she looked at him with her pretty eyes 

Louis got in the driver's side and they were going to go to the party 


"Here we go sweet girl" he says as he gets her out of her car seat so he could carry her into the party while he had the diaper bag with him just in case she needed changed or she needed a snack  

Johannah wanted to walk and he was okay with that 

"Hold my hand okay" he says as he sat her down so they could walk to the party

She nods as she looks up at him 

Louis was careful with her as they headed up the stairs to the venue where the party was 

"Surprise happy birthday Louis" the crowd says as he came into the room

"Thank you guys" he says as he was going to see if Johannah wanted anything to eat or drink since he had a sippy cup with him    

Louis was able to keep her entertained as he was with the guests and his friends as well

"Are you getting sleepy sweetie?" he asks as he looks at her after a while 

She nods as she rubs her eyes 

"Okay I will put you some place and when the party is over we will go home and we can get some sleep" he says as he was going to put her close so he was close by if she needed Louis 

Louis stayed with her until she feel right to sleep and he covered her with the blanket that he had in the diaper bag 

"Night Johannah" he says as he kisses her as he was going to go back to his party 

Louis could not stop looking at her she was so perfect and so little and he could not believe that she was abandoned at such a young age and she will ask whey she was left and why didn't her parents want her anymore 

"This is only the beginning" he says as he goes back to his party

Louis enjoyed himself and came over to check on every twenty minutes to make sure she was okay and was still sleeping like an angel 

"Louis are you taking her home?" his sister asks him

"Of course she needs a home i named her Johannah" he says as he heard the little girl wake up from her short slumber and she wanted Louis 

Louis went to her right away and was going to make it all better for her 

"Hey Johannah are you okay love" he asks as he was going to hold her as he was going to blow the candles out on his cake 

She laid her head back on his shoulder and was going to go back to sleep with his heartbeat 

"Oh you still sleepy huh?" he asks as he looks at her as she was hiding from the light since she hated the light 

Louis chuckled 

"Okay sweetie after i have my cake we can go home" he says as he kisses her as he was going to hold her as he blew out his candles 

Louis took her in so he could have his cake and open some presents from his friends and he found a couch that was inside the country club and it was perfect for her so he could stay for a bit longer 

V & C

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