No Monster

648 9 2

Human!Chica X Male!Reader


"We're waiting every night, to finally roam and invite, newcomers to play with us; for many years we've been all alone."


The blonde turned around to see (male name [m/n]) holding onto a small satchel, and had a cap on. Chica frowned for a second, wondering why the cap seemed familiar. But she turned on her cheery self, waving at the boy. "Hi, [m/n]!" He shrugged as he smiled as well,"Well, Chica, what shall we do today?"

Chica stood up from her seat and brushed her coat,"I've been thinking of going to the movies today. I heard there's a new horror movie!" He chuckled,"You and your horror. Well sure!" He raised an arm, and Chica hooked her hand with his.

Tickets? Check. Good seats? Check. Popcorn? Check. Jacket? Check. 'Pillow' to scream in? Uh...

Nobody asked for the jumpscare. Chica was completely fine with it, but [m/n] had an entirely different reaction for a boy. He screamed in a very 'manly' manner, scattering some popcorn on his own self.

After the movie, Chica had not stop laughing hearing how he screamed. He could only protest that it wasn't his fault that the movie was so scary. "Yeah, but man up next time." She looked at her watch and her smile turned into a frown,"Jeez, I was hoping we could spend some more time, but Fred told me to get back before curfew." [m/n] groaned,"You have to?" "Sorry, [m/n]. But next time, k? Give me a call when you're available!"

She took a turn as she waved, the [h/c]-haired boy waving back with a sad smile.

She ran all the way, since it was supposedly not far. Her hair became a small mess, and her makeup faded. Upon reaching, she went through the back door. She sneaked past the guard who was getting ready for the night shift, apparently someone with a huge ton of experience; nicknamed Phone Guy by the other night guards. Of course, it was a Friday. He works every Thursday and Friday. He seemed to be arguing heatedly with someone on the phone, but she ignored that.

She looked around before entering backstage, where three of her friends were waiting. "Chica, there you are! Where did you go?" Freddy said, waving his hands around in an odd manner. She huffed,"Can't I go out?" "Of course, but any later he would've seen you on the cameras!" he continued, a worried look on his face.

Bonnie added,"And worse, tonight he's got a new night guard with him. The schedule's changed, so we need to change ours as well. You weren't here when we discussed." Chica crossed her arms,"I don't need to be here to discuss." "Guess what, you're still on stuck-the-doors duty."

"Same thing." she shrugged as she walked past them to remove her jacket. Underneath she wore her usual work shirt. Her frilled skirt was a little crumpled at the edges, but that was ignored. She then noticed something,"Where's my cupcake?" "With your animatronic." Foxy said, cleaning his hook.

"And Gold?"

"He's not really in the mood today. Count PG lucky..."

She was biting the inside of her mouth when the bell chimed. "Time to go." Freddy said, walking out, making sure to keep within the shadows. He never liked the lights much. Bonnie followed, then Chica. Foxy stayed in his spot; he would be out soon.

Freddy stared intensely at the camera from behind his animatronic, looking at it move every once in a while. Chica swore that Freddy wanted to kill the new night guard. She had a bad feeling about it.

Her watch said '1 am' when he motioned for her to start. She pressed her hand on the back of the yellow animatronic as the other hand removed the cupcake from the animatronic's hand.

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