The day ive got to school when i was grade 1 second time

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i started to go to school in first grade ive met many people.but i dont know if they'll even treat me as their friends.some of them treated me as thier friends but left me alone i dont know why they left me but i think they left me cuz im just a no person its like i feel that i dont even exist to them like i was invisible.thats where here i got dumb and know nothing now.the other kids bully me maybe they bully me cuz im dumb.i know that im dumb but why do they do that just cuz im dumb.they left me why dont they just teach me and help me than bullying me.i was weak i started to be a loner some kids bully me made me a maid a trash can trower.sometimes i keep remembering those things while sitting and just the tought of it those things are for the end it was graduation my dad didnt show up he dont realize the things that ive got in to hes always bussy sometimes i cry when i see my dad not even caring for me anymore.when i have this kind of friend she was kind of my friend but left me alone.when we where playing i didnt tell her to get a knife i didnt tell her to play with it or chap anything(sorry we where in our grandma's house)she started to get it when i came out i saw a blood flowing but it was just so tiny my i think she chaped her grandma and my anti got mad at me they chased me i went back to my real house i closed the door and when i got back i go to my granpa and hug me the guy chasing me was my unkle he said i need to go to the police and explane what happened that is how stricked the people in our country.when you do something theylll send you to the police to explane what happened.and now my unkle whent to the door and knoc my grandpa was getting it and opened the door and my unkle told me to go to the police station and explane what happened
i said i dont wanna go and my unkle explaned the things to my grandpa and my grandpa told me to go to sleep or theyll just take me to the police.i was scared and just went to sleep.when i woke up i suddenly remember what ive done so i cried and after that i ate soup it was my favorite my friend that was chaped by the knife came to me and told me to go play with her but i refused cuz i remembered what happened to her.she explaned to me that its ok its just a little chap.but i still didnt listen and refused to go out my entire life i never did go out.and just stay at home i didnt go out cuz i know i have no one to play with now and they all hate me make fun of me and like bully me or something.this time i tryed to go out and bring a PSP.when i brought it out my dad saw me and scold and slap me to go home.i didnt mean to do it i just want to have some friends i explaned but he didnt when i go to sleep i always  cry and i have this dream that all of the people in the world was gone left me and i was all a loner.i when i found out in my dream my dad was in another women he let me join to him but i refused i told him i rather be with mom than you,you never care about me you never did love me you never give care to me.but i know mom was always there for me she was there protecting me and all but you,you never do that to me you never did(peace this one is in my dream i scolded dad)this was the time i got the chance to say him those things.he didnt care and left me he didnt care about me he said that i didnt do those things to you cuz im not your dad.i dont love you.he said and i cry all of me tears fall when i was sleeping i was crying.and the morning comes i woke up and i said to my mom i want to go with her to work with dad.and my dad was going out and my mom told me to go join with my dad so i did to keep and eye on him so i saw this on my dream i told in my mind there was a women and the woman was like in my dream too.the dream happened but i didnt scold at dad when got home i told mom everything so mom find out about it so we left dad all alone and we desisded to go to my cousines and be there for like 3 days with dad alone in the house mom was mad when she found out what happened to we left dad they where fighting i was praying and paniking i said god pleas help my mom and dad pleas stop them from doing this things

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