schools out suckers

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I tapped my pencil impatiently on my desk.we had twenty more minutes till class was over. The last class on the last day of school. There was hardly anything we'd done all day, but as it was at hills high school, you couldnt leave school until the bell had been rang. You couldn't even be absent from school without a good reason. if you skipped school once then you got detention if you skipped it twice you were expelled. BOOM.My school was all about discipline.
Someone tapped my shoulder and passed a.piece of paper to me
- let's see;name e-mail,phone number........
I smiled at the boy who passed me the paper, filled it and passed it on. At the end of the day it would be printed out and given to the students left in school. But I never stayed because there was no point in collecting the numbers of people I know I wouldn't call.I started humming and tapping of my pencil to the song lush life. I looked up at the clock. Fifteen more minutes.I can do this.Ooh no I cant do this
Where's Mar when you need him? I was going to kill him when I got my hands on him for making me suffer through this on my own. He had signed me up for mr Grey's mythology analysis class, because for some reason he finds the stories of Zeus,medussa and all-whatnot fascinating. And, as punishment for "accidentally" throwing his phone into the toilet after he messed up my room with his dog. As if on cue he walked into class he dropped a note on mr Grey's table and had a small talk with him.then he scanned the class and when his eyes landed on me, he winked. I held up my pencil narrowed my eyes at him and snapped it in half. He feigned fear and rolled his eyes,then he made his way over to my seat and plopped down in the seat next to me."How is my zippy zebra doing" he cooed. Tugging the ends of my hair. "Ooh you know just getting ready to strangle you" I said and made to reach for his neck. He grabbed my wrists and clucked his tongue. "Now now Zippy what did I tell you about violence" he chided "lose the name would ya." ,"where the haribos where you I've had to sit through this fudging class for the past fifty five minutes doing absolutely nothing"

" Sorry?"
"Yeah, apparently I have a fever"
"You have a fever" I asked concerned.
I put my hand to his forehead.
"You don't have a fever"
He gave me a cheeky grin
"I had to fake it kay
I can't be in Grey's class on the last day
Of school its unbelievably boring he dosent even say more than two words"
"You couldn't tell me that before class. I've had to sit through this boiled sugar alone"
"Boiled sugar? That's a New one and besides you throw my phone in the toilet, you get to sit through this boiled sugar."
" I told you it was a mistake."
" Yeah nd im Harry styles"
The bell rang and the already rowdy class went nuts.
I couldn't help it I also jumped on the table.and sang along to high school musicals what time is it. I was plucked off the table by Lamar and taken out of class.
" hey why do you always gotta be the bandaid in my lemonade" I queried Mar.
He gave me a look that said really and then randomly somersaulted like five off. I took his lead and cartwheeled out of the premises.(nah just kidding im not at all sporty.I will eat ten tonnes of pickles before I ever do a cartwheel.seriously those things are disgusting. I merely skipped out of the crowded halls). I wonder how he was able to somersault in such a crowded place without hitting some one. But then again, he's Lamar launtre, nothing's impossible for him ,(his words not mine).
"Wheres lace?" I asked as soon as we got out. Referring to his black Acura.
"she's gotta get a tune up"
" sooooo how r we gonna get home"
"We're walking.
I stare at him
" You know that thing that you do with your legs"
"I know what walking is" I scoffed and handed him my backpack.
" if I get tired you're carrying me capisce"
" yes your highness" he replies sarcastically
We started walkingfilling the air with pointless chatter.

We had just arrived at Leo's froyo shop. Mar owed me a fudgetta supreme. For ditching me and I owed him for riding his back ten steps after we left school (hey dont give me that look im not lazy just picky about the way I work myself).The poor boy had to carry me and our bags.So we just bought each other froyos.right.I told him to just pay for it both but he decided that he was saving money.that boy couldn't save money if his life depended on it.
Just as I was about to dig in Jordan came to our table. I almost chocked on my chocolate dream.
"What the fishsticks are you doing here. School let out an hour ago"
"Fishsticks? I thought it was fudge"
"Yeah me too" Mar interjected
" dont question my choice of cursewords "
" sweetheart you use names of food to curse" mar said
"Is anything wrong with that?" I questioned them
They looked at each other and shared a "she's crazy" look.
Well to bad for them. I am one hundred percent natural and authentically crazy. If they cant live with it then they should go suck a doughnut.
" nope"
"Absolutely normal"
They replied simultaneously.
"Good now back to my question"
"Oh right yeah I have to work today.
Its like im surrounded with people who only know how to stress themselves. What has the world turned too? "...and I saw you and thought id give u a muffin." He pushed a muffin with chocolate shavings on it towards me.aah chocolate my one true love.well apart from Jesus.
"Aww Thanks" I said smiling at the boy who'd given me free food for as long as id known him. Whom Mar wrongly accused of having a crush on me. Its crazy, but its mar. He always has a screw loose.
The boy smiled as tiny spots of pink hinted on his cheeks. He was like a big loving teddy bear with a deep voice and great hair.
"See Mar this is how to treat a lady"
"I bought you a froyo"
"And I bought you a froyo, "
" i did your calculus homework"
" I did your laundry"
"I ........"

"Okay guys we get it" Jordan said
"I'll see you around lamar". "And you too zoe" he said before walking away."bye" I called after him. He turned and waved.
"Hes a great kid"
"Yeah" Lamar agreed nodding his head.
I cut my muffin in half and gave him one.
he smiled.
" you're sharing. Something must've gone wrong"
"Well if you are going to insult me for sharing I might as well take back my muffin' I made to take it but he just stuffed it in his mouth.
He spoke when he was. Done chewing. "You seem a bit happy considering the fact that you were throwing threats on the way here"
" ditching your best friend earn you threats.and besides summer starts today. Forgive me if im excited"
"Okay then mi lady pardon my .... " he trailed off.
"Yeah my insensitivity" he said in an exaggerated British accent.
" Okay as much as I'd love to sit here and talk about the many things that are wrong with you.." I dodged the napkin, "...I've got to get home"
" its the last day of school your mum wouldn't mind if you stayed out longer"
" no she wouldn't" I said getting up "but ive got a battle plan to draw"

"Oo-kaay" he sounded confused.but he should be used to it by now. that's how I roll.
We walked out and he hesitated "hey you know im not just some lazy Apple".(He gave me the look). I can walk so your back is free from torture besides its exercise." " Wow you shared and are actually suggesting we exercise I wish it was the end of school everyday" "hardy har har" I punched his arm and we started walking.
" hey you wanna come over for dinner?" He asked as our houses came into view.
"Sure after a shower, tell your mum I want chicken periperi,and-
"Rubicon yeah I know she wouldn't do anything else if she knew you were coming over"
"Okay then thats settled see ya"
I turned and went inside my house.
" im home"
I greeted my mother and went upstairs.
I took a Quick shower. Pulled on my favourite sweats and crop top before climbing into bed. I had two hours before dinner and sleep is very important to every living I drifted off to sleep.

An hour and half later

We had dinner and i was now in mars room drawing out the +battle plan+.
" okay Mar we have a hundred and eightdays for this break, and a million activities, how do we go about it?" I asked as I started drawing our plan on the white board.Mar was as bored as a celery stick.he just lay on his bed fiddling with his phone.
" yo Mar, what's the game plan?" He sat up his eyes shining with excitement. And I change moods ha!
"Well I think that we should work at the old library down town".
My. Mouth fell open and my marker fell to the ground with a thud.


A/N this is my first chapter. Can I get three woahs for this achievment. It was pretty short as would be the next one but don't worry short on are just as enjoyable.:-)
Yes people lets do the right thing and
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Merci,Ashanti, thank you.and see ya.

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