A crazy idea im ashamed of

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We just had dinner and after clearing up Zoe dragged me into my room to drill me about the battle plan.
I was so bored I was counting the ceiling beams. Then my phone beeped. The library was putting up jobs.
Zoe turned and asked what my idea for our game plan was
" Well I think that we should work at the old library downtown"
Her mouth fell open and her marker fell to the ground.

" your marker um fell" mar said edging cautiously towards me.
He picked it up and gave it to me before returning to his bed.

"Lamar sweetie" I said squatting in front,of him ..." your crazy ideas are something I love about you but this is ..... did you even hear yourself. Work in th library? Are you loco?"
" I just thought since they were going to tear down the library we should go volunteer-"
" volunteer? I thought working with pay was exhausting but work without pay I can't do it what is the whole point? "
"As I said before they are tearing down the library. I thought you'd wanna go for sentimental value, you know cause we'd always go there when we were little for story time."
"Mar you know that fairytales are sugar, what's the point of filling children's heads with rubbish?"
"It dosent matter whether their real or not the point is th at children enjoy this stories- common zoe please for me"
"Find some other line to use"
"Please Zoe" he said adding the puppy eyes.
I frowned. He knew I could never say no to those eyes.it's like they're tugging at my heart strings and I always turned straight into chocolate pudding. Its been his trump card ever since id known him.darn my generous heart. It gets me into more trouble than ever, but he looks so sad. Aaaarg.
" no profit?"
"No. But you are gonna be emotionally satisfied. Think of th e children-"
"Cut the touchy crap. I'll do it" I said in a resigned voice.
He smiled knowing his pathetically innocent expression helped him.
" works every time"
"You're taking my kind heart for granted"
"Oh thank you" he said excitedly hugging me.
"Uh mar can't breathe"
"Oh sorry " he said messing my hair.
"Hey watch the merchandise" I said arranging my hair
"You wanna go watch a movie"
"Only if you pay"
" gosh Zoe you're so cheap"
"I'm not cheap I'm just saving money " I said mocking him
"Zoe you couldn't save money if your life depended on it"
Funny I thought the same thing about him
" whatever" I.said
"Let's go saddle your back Hon"
I laughed as he groaned.
.maybe it wouldn't be such a bad summer. I mean all we were doing was.filling children's heads with folklore in a creepy.run down library what could possibly.go wrong?

The next day.
"No way this can't be real. Chocolate this good shouldn't even exist"
"It doesn't you're in a dream"
" oh right. Wellthen mystical dude with the gold spoon, pour the chocolate into my mouth hole"
"Zoe, to do this we need the magic cup of devonre"
"Okay dude how'd u know my name.we were on a strictly code name basis"
"Zoe get up"
"Okay M.D you're starting to sound an awful lot like Mar"
"Zippy zebby up.you get"
Definitely Mar.
what is he doing in chocoloco land?


I screamed and rolled off my bed
"Are you nuts you could've burst my eardrum you rotten whisked egg."
"She lives."
"She does, but you won't."
I threw a punch but he dodged it. Smart boy.
"I guess you'll never be tamed" he remarked mockingly.
" As long as there are dirty pickles on earth, ruining the sleep of innocent Zoes everywhere, then no, I guess I shall never be tamed." I retort
" Besides how did you get in? And what the fudge are you doing here its, (I check my phone) six thirty in the morning"
"I broke in." he replies non-chalantely taking a seat on my bed.p
"You dumb Apple, thats illegal and what if my dad heard you,would be toast."
"Nah I don't think so, I'm more of a bagel guy and besides he loves me" he winks me."
" just kidding, he let me in."
" Well I guess he doesn't love you much cause he sent you to your doom." I said attacking him with my pillow.
" staph it staph it, it tickles" he says laughing.
Oh you won't be laughing when I'm done with you.

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